


July 2024

Archive for the 'General teaching' Category

The Teaching Company

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

As I am thinking of the benefits of technology for education, I cannot skip mentioning The Great Courses company, also known as The Teaching Company. This company videotapes the very best lectures and distributes them as DVDs or audio files. The first time I encountered them was listening to the lectures on the History of […]

3T: Toastmasters, Technology and Teaching

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

As the term is coming to an end, I have some time to reflect on different things that I have been thinking about recently. One of them is the use of electronic response systems (clickers) in elementary classrooms. I have been teaching a science methods course this term and I used clickers and I kept […]

UBC Faculty of Education Mathematics and Science Fair 2011

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011

I haven’t been contributing consistently to my blog this term, as I have been very busy. However, today I have to report that I think I have a good excuse for being silent. On Saturday November 5, 2011 we (our Education Student-Teachers, graduate students, faculty and staff) at the Faculty of Education held our second […]

Teaching Is… by Marjan Glavac

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

A few days ago I happened to lay my hands on a very special book by a Canadian educator, an elementary teacher with years of experience, Mr. Marjan  Glavac “Teaching Is…: Moments that inspire and motivate teachers to make a difference”. This is a very inspirational book about the moments in and outside of the […]

Physics Education Research Conference 2011

Thursday, August 4th, 2011

A very interesting conference on Physics Education took place on August 3-4, 2011 in Omaha, NE. A few personal highlights: Prof. Andy Rundquist from Hemlin University spoke about assessment in upper level undergraduate physics courses. I was especially interested how he uses tablets and other technology to evaluate students’ thinking about problems. His focus is […]

AAPT Summer Meeting Day 4: Cheating on Physics Homework

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

During the penultimate day of AAPT I attended a very interesting session about cheating in physics homework assignments. One of the presentations was done by Prof. Wolfgang Bauer from the Michigan State University. The idea by Prof. Bauer is not to try to prevent students from cheating on online homework assignment, but to increase the […]

New Collection of Science Education Resources

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

I just started a collection of resources on science education: I used a new tool called “Scoop.It’ – check it out. I hope this will be a useful resource. I haven’t been posting much recently as I also maintained web site for our BC Section of AAPT. I hope to hear your feedback […]

Vi Hart – An amazing blog on Everything

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

Today I happened to stumble on a very interesting blog by Vi Hart. Actually it was shown to me by a student who is a mathematics teacher and who loves it. I enjoyed it very much as well. It is very interesting how art and science and mathematics come together in this blog. Vi Hart […]

Trinity Day: Reflections of Enrico Fermi’s Granddaughter…

Sunday, July 17th, 2011

It would be interesting to know what the creators (the major brains behind it: Fermi, Oppenheimer, Einstein, Bethe, …)  of the atomic bomb would have thought about the consequences of their brain child. Unfortunately none of them is alive and recent developments in Japan and not so recent (25 years ago) in Chernobyl, continue to […]

CBC: The Wild Journey: The Anne Innis Story

Saturday, July 16th, 2011

A few nights ago as I was driving to buy some groceries, I turned on CBC Radio and stumbled on Ideas – an evening program with Paul Kennedy. I find most of the programming on Ideas very interesting, but this one surpassed all my expectations… “Wild Journey: The Anne Innis Story”. Maybe I was initially […]

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