


July 2024

Archive for the 'Science in everyday life' Category

Mars Landing – A Great Succeess of Science and Engineering

Thursday, August 16th, 2012

This summer has been filled with amazing scientific discoveries: Higgs Boson, Mars Landing, only to name a few – How exciting is that? I especially find it amazing that modern technology helps us understand and appreciate these discoveries at a very different level. For example, this web site above allows us to see what Curiosity […]

Meeting Ben Franklin at Summer 2012 AAPT in Philly!

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Every year something very neat and unexpected happens at AAPT National Meetings. It is of course super fun to see all my physics teaching friends and colleagues, but it is something I expect to happen. However, I am always going to the meetings in anticipation of good surprises and amazing “aha” moments. For example, a […]

Video Analysis in Science Teaching: How technology can help us to get students excitied about science

Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

When I am asked how technology can affect student science learning and why it has a potential of making a difference, I often think of the questions one can ask and answer today that could have have been asked or answered even 50 years ago. If I were to ask you how a water droplet […]

Stephen Wolfram Talks about Computing as a Theory of Everything…

Wednesday, July 11th, 2012

For me as a science and mathematics teacher “Wolfram Alpha” is something that will help us and our students to build intuition. I use it all the time and I hope my students will do the same. I am amazed at how modern powerful tools are changing how we learn or hopefully how we teach… […]

A Day Made of Glass

Friday, July 6th, 2012

I love museums of glass and Corning Museum of Glass is one of my favourite ones. I was fortunate to visit it three times. However, this video just made me wonder how technologies, like the ones mentioned in the video will change our lives. We talk about technology affecting science and math learning in my […]

Arthur Benjamin does “Mathemagic”

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

You Are at the Mercy of Science… Hot Wheels Double Loop Dare in LA

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

Tomorrow I will begin my summer course on the use of Educational Technology in Science and Mathematics Teaching. Luckily today, I noticed a post on BCAPT listserve (  The post was about the amazing Hot Wheels Double Loop Success. The scaled up model of the Loop-the-Loop challenge has been built and two very experienced drivers […]

The Scale of the Universe

Friday, June 29th, 2012

As I am getting ready to teach my summer course, I keep looking for resources. It is a fabulous website. I love the idea of scale and how technology can help us visualize it more interactively. As soon as I think of it, the famous movie by Charles and Ray Eams (a husband and a […]

Recent Science Education Talk by Carl Weiman

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

I think the presentation of Dr. Carl Weiman will be of interest to anybody who cares about science education. Even though Carl Weiman is focused on science education in the United States, his talk has clear implications to all of us. See:

This is what a scientist looks like

Saturday, February 25th, 2012

As science educators we know that science teaching is much more than lesson plans or science labs. It is also much more than technology we use in the classroom to teach science. Science teaching is also about WHO IS A SCIENTIST and CAN I BE ONE? I really liked how Allie Willinson decided to challenge […]

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