Welcome to my e-portfolio
Professor of Teaching
Dept. of Botany,
Associate Head of Biology
University of British Columbia
2108 – 6270 University Blvd.
Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z4
This e-portfolio was developed to accompany my teaching dossier for my promotion to Professor of Teaching.
The activities I have been involved with at the University of British Columbia are presented on this site. In the Department of Botany I have had the opportunity to teach a number of fascinating courses and introduce the world of plants, fungi, and algae to many students (undergraduate, graduate, and from the community). I first started teaching before the advent of email and the internet. Times have changed pretty drastically since then! There have also been major shifts in instructional strategies. It has been an exciting journey. As Associate Head of Biology I have been able to participate in the curriculum changes and restructuring of the Biology Program to improve teaching and learning at the program level. I am currently working on improving student advising as well as integrating sustainability into our curriculum (visit our website to see how we are coming along).