Biology Program Retreat – 2012

AUGUST 24, 2012

We held the second annual Biology Program Retreat at the UBC Botanical Garden on August 24th.  Last summer we concentrated on developing the fundamentals courses within each discipline stream and planned for the arrival of the new Science Teaching and Learning Fellows (STLFs) through the Carl Wieman Science Science Education Initiative (CWSEI).  The STLFs were hired and since the last retreat have done some amazing things that contribute to the enhancement of teaching and learning in biology as well as strengthen our curriculum through mapping learning objectives and concept building, and evaluating prerequisite structure.  This year’s retreat focused on showcasing their work.  In addition to the CWSEI activities, two other initiatives were presented: building sustainability into our curriculum and migration of course websites to Connect (Blackboard).


MORNING TALKS (9:30am – 12:30):

*Introductions, Overview of Day (Shona Ellis)
*Summary of CWSEI Activities (CWSEI STLFs)
*Sustainability in Biology (Shona Ellis, Laura Weir, Rob DeWreede, Ileana Costrut, Kshamta)
*Directed Reading Activity (Trish Schulte, Mandy Banet)
*Reading Skills (Bridgette Clarkston)

 Coffee Break (10:45 – 11:00)
*Writing Skills (Laura Weir)
*Problem Solving (Lisa McDonald, Pam Kalas)
*Connect Showcase: Demo of a Course Website (Shona Ellis)
*Three Minute Thesis…in three minutes (Santokh Singh)
*Q4B and more! (Carol Pollock
*Course/Program Updates (Open Floor)
*Aligning Learning Goals and Assessments (Lisa McDonald, Mandy Banet)

Lunch Break (12:30 – 1:15)


Curriculum Mapping Project Update (1:15 – 2:00)
Group Discussion
*Curriculum mapping activity – What do faculty members want to get out of this projects

Concurrent Break-out Session (2:00 – 3:00)
*Aligning Learning Goals and Assessments
*Connect – Help Desk

Wrap-Up – Retreat ends at 3:05