Courses Taught

BIOL 110 (lab) — Cellular and Organismal Biology
BIOL 115 (lab and lecture) — Organismal Biology
BIOL 120 (lab and lecture) – Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution
BIOL 120 (elective) — Pollination Biology
BIOL 140 (elective) — Bums Bog, Cryptic Botany
BIOL 209 (lab and lecture) — Introduction to Non-Vascular Plants
BIOL 210 (lab and lecture) — Introduction to Vascular Plants
BIOL 321 (lab and lecture) – Bryology
BIOL 324 (lab and lecture) — Seed Plant Taxonomy
BIOL 343 (lab and lecture) — Plants and People
BIOL 352 (lab) — Plant Physiology
BIOL 420 (lab and lecture) — Plant Anatomy
BIOL 448 – Self-directed Research Projects
BIOL 525 – Advanced Plant Anatomy
EDUC 440D (Lab and Lecture) – Study in Botany (Faculty of Education, UBC)

Guest Lectures/Activities at UBC:
BOTA 505A – Botany Graduate Student Fieldtrip Course
AGRO 322 (lab and lecture) – Methods in Horticulture (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, UBC)
AGRO 490 (lecture) – Topics in Agroecology and Conservation (Faculty of Agricultural Sciences)
APBI 318 (lecture) – Applied Plant Breeding (Faculty of Land and Food Systems)

Courses Taught at Other Institutions:
BIOL 105 (Lecture) – Environmental Biology (Capilano College)
BISC 399 (On-line Course) – Plants and Society (Thomson Rivers Open University) – developed and taught course