This week we read the chapter on assessments and the movement domains. After the reading the two chapters, I have had more understanding how the variety of assessment strategies be used in the P.E. class, such as learning logs and performance task rather than simply-based testing. For example, using the rubric for assessment does help me to self-assess. It does help me to know how I can improve and what I should do differently the next time.

On last Tuesday, the Group Teach did their teaching on striking and batting games. The group started with their instant activity (strike a pose) for five minutes. I found that warm-up activity was good! We can dance or move whatever we like in that area. Even though, I’m not good at dancing. I still have fun in that activity. The group used a rubric for assessment for their activity. I always found it is hard to do self-assess. I don’t know if I should assess myself in a good or outstanding. I always think if you are giving a good or outstanding assessment, then you need to be very good at P.E. or be more physically literate than others. But actually I was wrong! My friend told me that it is not necessary that everyone needs to be fully physically literate. All you have to do is meet all the criteria or standard of the activity then it is all good. I have to say that I really enjoyed the activities on last Tuesday. It was FUN! 😀

One thought on “GROUP B/ WEEK 4- REFLECTION”

  1. Great post Ivy. I don’t know about you but after reading the chapter on assessment and actually being exposed to an assessment rubric by the group teach, made me realize that evaluation and grading in PE is more complex than I thought. As teachers, we will be situated to come up with a final letter grade on a report card. If we have luck, our schools’ policy would not require using letter grades. I don’t entirely agree with letter grades, as many factors play a role in a child’s physical literacy development.
    I think the best approach to assessment in PE is a combination of both formative and summative assessment. Formative assessments are great because they constitute of a self and peer assessment. This process allows students to improve their ability to observe themselves critically, through self-assessment. Further, as the textbook explains, they develop the ability to judge their achievements, based on a set of criteria rather than their personal preferences or feelings. Students also become engaged in their learning as they become more included in their learning, and have the opportunity to highlight some of their own perceptions of their strengths, the ones that may not be apparent to the teacher. Summative assessment is also needed because it provides educators to determine a level of achievement, which can be informed to parents and submitted to school records.

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