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  • jenbarker 7:48 pm on November 25, 2012
    1 votes

    Tags: Evernote Folio, Jennifer Barker   

    Elevator Pitch  Venture Pitch  Personal Reflections: I was surprised by how much fun I had thinking creatively as an entrepreneur.   Initially I had a lot of ideas and then I narrowed them done by products I would like to see in the market.   E-Portfolio programs are something I believe we need more of […]

    Continue reading Evernote FOLIO Posted in: Venture Forum
    • avninder 4:01 pm on November 26, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I enjoyed watching your elevator pitch. It reminded me of the pitches that we watched at the beginning of the course. Sometimes a face talking into the camera can have the most impact. Very interesting that you had the same concept as another student. You guys must be on to something.

    • Mike Rae 5:37 am on November 27, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Great work Jen!
      I thought your elevator pitch was great, you were enthusiastic and camera friendly. I liked the idea you had of launching off an existing company, I felt lame in that respect when I was pitching me, myself and I…gives your idea more credibility. I think maybe a little more explanation in the venture pitch of what an e-portfolio is could have been helpful to someone who is hearing that word for the first time. I loved the upbeat music and images you used to compliment the presentation. good work!

    • Paula Poodwan 9:35 am on November 27, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen,

      A very well presented pitches (both), it is natural and very professionally done. I didn’t realize that you went through so much problems filming your elevator pitch until I read your behind the scene. I enjoy reading you reflection and it made me want to go back and revise mine a bit.

      I think you pitches covered all of the important points that investors want to know and I found that by emphasizing the team early on, it highlight the expertise and knowledge of the product. Well done.

      However, as an investor I don’t think I will invest in your venture 🙁 It is a good idea that Evernote’s clients will not have to pay more to have this add on folio feature. But I also think that there’re probably not many new clients who want to pay for Evernote just to get the folio feature since there are many websites with excellent folio platforms available for free of charge. So I think the folio feature won’t attract more clients to Evernote.

      Otherwise, this is a very strong presentation, congratulations 🙂

    • frank 2:30 am on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen,

      Beautiful presentations.
      The material was well laid out and well organized. I could see how your team and Evernote could champion the product.
      I was not sure exactly what amount of investment you wanted and what the percentage return might be.
      It seems to me that the Pain Point is more of an internal one in your case: Folio could make Evernote a more complete and comprehensive product that is less likely to be dropped by its customers as a result.
      Also, the competitive economic forces that you talked about seem to apply more to Evernote’s long-term sustainability than the client’s need to be competitive per se.

      I would suggest that you further discuss the competitive market Evernote finds itself in, who its key competitors are and how Folio would allow Evernote to expand its suite and maintain its competitive advantage in that regard – that competitive advantage being the network externality gains clients make by being able to rely on Evernote on a set of related needs (note taking, store documents, record a document, capture a photograph etc.) and bring these all together, while being able to connect and share them with others on a common platform.
      PS. Most investors would be fine to see their money also go into marketing that gets their investment increased sales/profits. And there are many target markets in which I could see Evernote expanding and solidifying its hold. In this case, first mover advantage is an important one, and I would not overlook this.

      Just sayin. Good Luck 🙂

    • jenniferschubertubc 10:40 am on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Beautifully done Jen! You are a very confident and informative presenter. Your clean graphics and smooth transitions make me cry for my Mac! You created a visually pleasing (never jarring) and excellently produced and edited final product for both your elevator and venture pitches. They could both be rolled out tomorrow, they appear so professional.

      One thing that stuck out to me in your presentation was the importance of retaining existing clients. I think a lot of companies/products forget that in the initial excitement of starting a new venture. Pitches often become very new user driver. The fact that you have considered existing users and their importance in the venture speaks volumes to your pitch.

      I also found it impressive that you covered such a breadth of user. You moved beyond the educational field into the professional world, broadening your scope ten fold. By adding a personal element to it, such as the digital scrapbook lure, you have hit almost every target market out there.

      By adding info graphics such as registered users, both though graph and photo analogies, you have placed a better visualization into the audience’s head. Specifics on the team behind the project as well as a projected launch date really took this to a new level. Well done.

    • Patrick Pichette 8:14 pm on November 30, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen,

      This is another great venture pitch that I had the pleasure to view. Your presentation was captivating and oozed confidence and passion lending credibility to the venture. The venture concept is interesting and appears feasible and in line with a product feature I would expect from Evernote. It would even likely increase their number of premium users are more users would have the potential to reach the quota limit encouraging them to upgrade to premium status. My only qualms with the pitch are with regards to the competitive edge as well as the exit strategy. Although with the pre-established user base from Evernote, this alone may be sufficient to counter any comparable product that could launch to market. So realistically, there’s just a question of how and when do I make my money back? Perhaps I missed this point?

    • C. Ranson 6:57 am on December 1, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen,

      Well done, an excellent elevator pitch and the venture presentation was clear, concise, interesting, high quality and very comprehensive. Your audio, graphics and theme was very professional. I think you have a very viable venture, you have identified the current users, growth, marketing strategy, revenue capabilities and your company has a proven track record. E-portfolios are up and coming in both education and industry as you have mentioned, we already know that the mobile device market is exploding and that millions are downloading apps hourly.

      I would invest in your venture. 🙂


  • jenbarker 12:53 pm on November 21, 2012
    0 votes

    I found editing my avatar impossible.   I followed the instructions, then watched the video and right clicked on my avatar but nothing came up.   I selected the clothing icon, clicked on several different things and hit save but nothing happened.   I have never been a gamer – likely due to my lack […]

    Continue reading Jen’s Avatar Posted in: General
    • rebeccaharrison 11:12 pm on November 21, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Oh my goodness. Let me step out of student role for a second and say that your post here about winding up in the dark room and being stuck just made my day, I actually am near tears of laughter. I was feeling uncomfortable about the whole secondlife thing and actually did not download it to my computer, although I did create my avatar. Thank you for lightening the mood.

    • Eva Ziemsen 12:09 am on November 22, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks to you both for trying this exercise with a sense of humour. I recall that 2 years ago, when I attempted SL the first time, I was not even able to walk properly. It took time and watching videos to learn.

      Jenn – I think your avatar looks good (even from the back)! You should be proud, as I think you manged well to build it. By the way, you would just have to view yourself from the front through the camera controls, to take a shot from the front. If you want to get out of the dark room, just go to destinations and teleport yourself out of there. You could try going to the USC campus, where we were in our video. However, don’t worry about the learning curve. I think you have done very well considering the obstacles.

  • jenbarker 1:51 pm on October 11, 2012
    0 votes

    On a funny note I heard that the new Mercedez-Benz will have integrated abilities to cloud compute.   Really I guess it was just a matter of time. Here is link to an article describing it.  

    Continue reading Cars Crusin with the Cloud Posted in: Week 05:
    • manny 7:19 pm on October 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Interesting article Jen but I am left wondering whether this is really necessary. You can pretty much access all these features off of your mobile device, why would you want it built into your car. Furthermore, how does this help in reducing the number of distracted driver accidents that take so many lives every year. There must be some sort of shut off in which you cannot access it while driving. Although I am all for technology, sometimes it can be a little too much. Then again, the auto industry is highly competitive and look for any gimmick that will give them an advantage over their competition.

    • jenbarker 9:02 am on October 13, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Manny you bring up many good points. I also would hope there is an auto shut-off while driving. I agree it is yet another distraction that I don’t think we need.

  • jenbarker 8:18 pm on October 7, 2012
    0 votes

    We hope you all have had a relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving weekend.   We welcome you to Week 6 of ETEC 522.  This week’s topic is Cloud Learning in K – 12 Education. Please visit our Emerging Market Analysis Weebly site at We have presented an overview of the content through six areas: What is […]

    Continue reading Welcome to Week 6: Cloud Learning in K – 12 Education Posted in: Week 06:
    • Peggy Lawson 1:13 pm on October 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks guys – this page packed a lot of useful information in a nice tidy package. It was nice to have a few different videos to watch – the repetition but with slight variations helped the information sink in, plus you had the text based article – very good to cover your bases regarding different learning preferences of your audience (us!). I had a pretty good general idea of cloud computer, but it was helpful to understand the difference between SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. One of my questions this week will be about security, and having student information resided outside Canada. I know this is an issue in my own school division. Thanks to a great start! Peggy

    • jenbarker 2:52 pm on October 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Peggy,
      Thanks for the compliments. I had a lot of questions too regarding security. Have you had a chance to view our limitations tab? Give that a read and try out the case study. I think it is going to generate an interesting discussion.
      Take Care, Jen

    • stammik 8:49 am on October 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Your presentation offers excellent resources and is well curated team – thank you.

      Here is a news item and infographic, I just noticed today, that reports on workers thoughts on Cloud computing and how the IT industry may be reacting to it – along with a few good comics to inject some humor.

      • Kent Jamieson 12:14 pm on October 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Thanks for that Infographic. Some great truths hidden in those comics…especially how some people don’t even realize that their already using the cloud! And along with BYOD, the cloud has definitely created a few waves in our I.T. department…whether it be good, bad or ugly.
        Thanks for the post!

    • jenbarker 10:08 pm on October 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Same in ours… I was told that when I use my own devices to access the cloud I am using up Bandwidth that was not meant for this and this is why our computer lab Wifi is slow. I have a hard time believing one little document was the cause. Maybe if everyone was accessing their Dropbox.

  • jenbarker 3:22 pm on October 6, 2012
    0 votes

    Given this week’s topic I was wondering if anyone is this course has been using Ipads in their classrooms.   I am scheduled to receive a class set of Ipads at the end of this month from my district.   We will have them for two months. My question concerns the fact that when students […]

    Continue reading Question about Apps and Student Creations Posted in: Week 05:
    • teacherben 4:57 pm on October 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      It depends on the app. Some have a cloud backup and some don’t. So, in some cases, you can still access your work by logging in to a website, and if you install it on another device, you can login and get all your work back. With others, it’s gone.

      There’s stuff like this ( that allow you to create books right on the device that can then be shared. This one costs money though.

      We usually do our content creation on computers and put it on the handhelds to see and share (such as ebooks and games.)

      It’s pretty surprising how widespread the iPad adoption has been in the classroom and yet how little Apple has worked out the nuts and bolts of how schools would be using them and how they could support that. Usually this is one of their strengths. They still don’t have any official word about syncing and devices per account. We have a few dozen in our lower elementary and we sync them all to the same account. It’s great for us, since we only pay once for an app, then run it on a ton of devices. Sooner or later, they will need to come up with a special system for large deployments and hopefully this will solve your problem as well. They only just acknowledged the fact that some users share a device and allowed for multiple accounts in a recent update.

      Good luck.

    • jenbarker 5:15 pm on October 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I’ve also wondered about licensing issues with the apps. I heard that we are allowed to legally sync an app to ten devices but that is it and this is actually a new Canadian law within the past year. I spoke with our tech consultant in our district and he said that the bulk purchase prices works out to be higher than buying the app and sharing with the amount of devices it allows (i.e. 5). Education is a vast market and one would think Apple would be doing everything they could in this area.

  • jenbarker 7:04 pm on October 3, 2012
    0 votes

    I hope you don’t mind but I’ve noticed that a few of us in the group have young children and so I thought I’d share a couple of apps that my kids love and that I find to be of high quality.   One is NFBPixstop  which is a FREE app created by the National […]

    Continue reading Excellent Creative Learning Apps Posted in: General
    • kstackhouse 6:50 am on October 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thank you for the ideas. I know my kids will love these! I am also trying to think of how I could use the first one in my class.

    • tomwhyte1 7:09 am on October 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      My own children use my iPad quite extensively, some for games – Angry Birds… But sometimes for various learning activities – I find the new “game” Bade Piggies an excellent game, but problem solving challenge as well. They also love the puzzle apps, and especially a book series called Deskplorers… As they need to understand the story plot, and solve problems to progress the plot.

    • Eva Ziemsen 8:00 am on October 4, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Love the animation app here. I would use this with film students, not just young kids. I used to take my students to the NFB to create claymation PSAs. Now I can have them do this in-class. Film students will take this app to a whole new level. Thanks for sharing.

    • melissaayers 8:44 am on October 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for sharing those apps Jen, I love the toontastic one – its a really great example of how technology can change the way learners learn. Being able to easily bring their stories to life with animation instead of just using the more traditional text and images is a great benefit/advancement I believe and no doubt a lot more fun.

    • stammik 11:36 am on October 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Great suggestion Jen. I’ve tried this one in my classes and the kids loved its simplicity and immediate results. Plus you can’t beat the free price 🙂

    • avninder 2:00 pm on October 5, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I haven’t let my 13 month old use my phone yet but I’m sure it’ll just be a matter of time. I’ve heard that PBS kids has some good educational apps. Jen – the video your daughter made is so cute.

  • jenbarker 11:11 pm on October 1, 2012
    0 votes

      Tonight I felt a great deal of frustration when creating an app on TheAppBuilder… see my comments on the App Adventure Discussion and my pitiful app.   Anyway, I just checked my email and they sent me this (see picture).   I think this information will be helpful and I am going to attempt to […]

    Continue reading Follow up to my app adventure post… Posted in: Week 05:
    • kstackhouse 4:56 am on October 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Sorry to hear that you were so frustrated. Let us know how it goes with the additional information you were sent. I think this is a good example of how some sites are designed compared to others. Having a chance to try out different app makers is a good experience here where there is no risk or cost. This allows you to make the mistakes and try things out now before selecting one you may use in the future. Also comments like this will help others. Thank you for the information.

    • jhodi 8:27 pm on October 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply


      I also experienced a lot of difficulties with this. I originally tried, but did not find it very user-friendly. I would try to make changes, but nothing would happen, or I could not figure out how to make changes. I did not try TheAppBuilder, but I did try AppShed, and it was significantly more user-friendly. After getting consumed by this for a few hours, I have come to the conclucion that developing an app is a skill that must be worked on and acquired over time. It is something that interests me, but I feel like I would need to research this process much more before another attempt would be worth while and less frustrating.


    • Jonathan 8:58 pm on October 2, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Jen/Jhodi —

      Sorry to hear about the “not so friendly experience”. We debated about this step as a group but decided it would be neat to experience building an app. Now it’s good to note that this isn’t a “True” app building experience but a simulated one. Similar to how many of us “build” web pages these days. We use “builders” that allow us to drag and drop features more or less like a what you see is what you get “WYSISYG” functionality.

      I too built an app through both of those services and found them to be sluggish but it was doable. I guess the question is .. is there a market for these “app builders” out there. And I’m not quite sure. Developers are out there and it is a skill that people can pick up (takes time). But dedicated youngsters (Grade 4-5) are able to put some apps together using coding as well.

      All in all this was a simulated experience but if we can walk away with one idea.. “it isn’t easy”. Even in a simulated environment. Please let us know if we can support you in the app development process though.

  • jenbarker 10:01 pm on September 24, 2012
    0 votes

    John Baker is the founder and CEO of Desire2Learn. Desire2Learn Incorporated, also known as Desire2Learn or D2L was founded in 1999 by John Baker who desired eLearning or a Learning Management System (LMS) that was not available when he was studying systems design engineering in his third year at the University of Waterloo.   Baker […]

    Continue reading Biography of John Baker Posted in: General, Week 04: Entrepreneur Bootcamp
    • Doug Connery 9:31 pm on September 25, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I was at the D2L Users conference this summer and saw John Baker speak several times. He speaks just as he looks with confidence and passion about his company. It is interesting as at the conference he was introducing some of the new members of the D2L management team. Many of them were from Research in Motion (RIM) which is located in the same area of Kitchener-Waterloo in southern Ontario. I can only imagine that these people felt the uneasiness of RIM and decided to move over to a different technology company that is currently more stable than RIM.


    • jenbarker 11:43 pm on September 25, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Doug – From what I have read about D2L, those people who moved from RIM will likely not be disappointed. Do you use D2L in your area of work?

      Just want to let anyone else who is taking ETEC 511 know that I just realized that we are reading about the D2L and Blackboard court case this week. I am actually geek’d about the serendipitous connection. I plan to read the article tomorrow and will repost if it sheds any new light on John Baker.

    • tomwhyte1 8:09 pm on September 26, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Great synopsis of the D2L product, I got a good sense of what the founder/CEO is like and his overall approach in various aspects of the educational technology business world.

      On a side note though, I am wondering, did you notice if this company has any true educators, or people with classroom experience in their core group?

    • jenbarker 10:49 pm on September 26, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I did notice that indeed there are no executive team members with educational backgrounds. I think the way they get around this is the meet with educators from within the classroom and listen to their needs and concerns to develop a personalized LMS that fits their school’s requirements. It is an interesting point you bring up. Thanks Tom.

    • tomwhyte1 9:49 am on September 27, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I guess, if done properly, this would not be a big deal. However, too many times, both personally and professionally I have used Educational Software created by non-educators and have been easily frustrated, for these products have been designed, developed, and deployed from a non-educator perspective. Again this may seem not a large issue, but the intuitive feel is not educationally focused, creating frustration for many users, forcing them to avoid or potential drop the program entirely.


    • Peggy Lawson 6:50 pm on September 27, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I believe that Blackboard finally did buy out Desire2Learn, did they not? Or perhaps just a very close partnership. Blackboard also absorbed WebCT (a UBC initiative!!! And my 1st experience with an LMS when I became a provincial online teacher for Saskatchewan), among others.

      This is another topicthat is perhaps beyond the scope of ETEC 522, but clearly related. Is it good practice for an entreprenuer to think to the future – what company do I want to impress, that will absorb me down the road? In the Web 2.0 world, would this not be a critical consideration?

    • Doug Connery 8:52 pm on September 27, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Peggy:

      Blackboard has not bought out Desire to learn. Rather Desire to Learn keeps luring Blackboard customers over to them. The mantra of many new Desire to Learn customers at their recent Users conference was “Bye bye Blackboard”!


    • adi 6:16 pm on September 28, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I often wonder like Penny about what happens down the road. Do some of these entrepreneurs design these products for long term success, or in the hope of threatening to compete with a big company in order to be absorbed. I’ve looked at Desire2Learn and for me it’s just yet another LMS to add to the list that is already out there. As I student and teacher, it just makes life harder having to get used to yet another platform, so unless it’s drastically different, or free, I’m not sure I’d bother. I think that more than ‘bye bye Blackboard’, Blackboard will end up buying this one, too.

  • jenbarker 8:28 am on September 16, 2012
    0 votes

    As I am not as tech savvy as many of you, so I was wondering if you could help me out.   For Assignment #1 I was hoping to create a digital video with a mix of still frames (similar to a screen you might see on a PowerPoint with text/images) and a screencast.  Is […]

    Continue reading What program to use? Posted in: Questions & Answers
    • supatel 4:09 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen,

      Sounds like you have a really engaging presentation planned. Regardless of whether you have a mac or pc, you could simply use the stock moviemaker/imovie to create what you want. You can add slide into one of the frames in between the video.

      Feel free to ask if you need some help or have some more questions.

    • jenbarker 4:55 pm on September 16, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks Suhayl. I am familiar with iMovie and I know how to do the still frames. Do you recommend a particular program to do a screencast? I only know Jing. When it comes time to importing the screencast into iMovie I may seek your help. I appreciate you willingness to support a fellow student.

  • jenbarker 5:59 pm on September 12, 2012
    0 votes

    Today I spoke with a UBC student who had previously taken an online course.  This person recommended to me that I respond to other’s posts in both my online classes as often as possible.  They recommended even adding small comments such as “great point” because instructors check the actual number of times you respond and […]

    Continue reading Participation Posted in: Questions & Answers
    • Doug Connery 7:08 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen:

      In my experience with MET courses, quality is valued over quantity. Check out the Rubric provided for Assignment 4 which covers participation to guide you along through the discussions.


    • teacherben 7:14 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I would agree with Doug. Say something interesting (or controversial) that generates a lot of responses and further discussion and you will be in good stead. And to be honest, don’t worry too much about your grades. Class averages in every course I have taken save one have been above 80%.

    • David Vogt 8:40 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I concur. “Filler” comments may be noted, but only negatively. Please remember that I’ve got to struggle with the volume as well, so any dip in quality is annoying and memorable in the wrong way.

      Given the number of tools and plug-ins available in WordPress, we could easily implement a system where everyone could ‘like’ and ‘unlike’ other peoples’ contributions, completely anonymously. This could potentially resolve the ‘filler’ issue, but I’m guessing it would also cause more social unrest and ‘gaming’ behaviours than we’d want. Thoughts?

    • jenbarker 9:59 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for all the responses. David, I am glad to hear that what I heard was just a “rumour” and that this online course (as I hope is the case with other courses in MET) value quality. Doug, I did look at the rubric again this afternoon and it was helpful. I like the part about adding links to our most valuable comments.

    • Peggy Lawson 6:16 pm on September 13, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I’ve always thoughougly enjoyed my MET discussions. Now in my 9th class I appreciate, as David mentioned in his Online Manners post, posts that:

      * add to the conversion; are not just an “I agree!” type of comment (but never say never – there are always exceptions)
      * are generally kept brief. I can be bad for long, rambling posts but try very hard to avoid.
      * the poster takes time to proof-read before posting – and edits out excess content if possible
      * are sometimes slightly off-topic, but produce great discussions in an equally useful – or more so – direction.

      I’ll add one more thing. Our simple usenames that head our posts are often cryptic. I often find it nice if we add our real name to each posts, so we can reply to a real name.


    • jenniferschubertubc 9:57 am on September 18, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Running the risk of a slap on the knuckles, “I agree” with Peggy…

      This class is my 7th (or 8th, as I’m taking two this semester), and I have found that although I prefer to create a multimedia project or, sometimes, even write a research paper, the bulk of my learning has come through discussion. I am a bit introverted by nature, so putting my own thoughts out there to be “judged” (not in actuality of course, but often in my own head) can be a bit nerve wracking, overwhelming and difficult. However, doing so in such a non-threatening environment that fosters discussion has been overwhelming helpful not only in sharing my thoughts for forming and reforming them as a result of ongoing communication.

      That obviously cannot be done through simple “I agree”s.

      I also must admit that I enjoy when a thread goes just a little off topic. I have been able to learn about my classmates, which I feel is something that people can easily disregard in the online environment if always solely focusing on the topic at hand. Hearing about how it fits into their teaching or their lives always brings an extra bit of humanity in, and thankfully so!


  • jenbarker 10:27 pm on September 10, 2012
    0 votes

    How, and how much, is it useful and valuable to the broader community of educators, as well as learning technologies specialists and venturers? Today I reviewed a post from the blogazine (a new term for me, used by the author of this blog) eLearning Coach, titled “Learning Technology Trends To Watch in 2012”.   My […]

    Continue reading eLearning Coach “Learning Technology Trends To Watch in 2012” Posted in: Week 02: The Edtech Marketplace
    • avninder 10:05 am on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I reviewed the same article and would have to agree with your critique. Like you, I also mentioned that a venturer would have to do a lot more research before having enough information to make sound decisions.

    • tomwhyte1 12:49 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I would have also liked to have seen examples on potential use of these technologies. Like was mentioned in the Educase article. For I have found, that by providing teachers with a concrete example of how the technology might be used, provides a strong foundation for future brainstorming sessions.


    • jenbarker 5:47 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I think she is unable to provide specific educational/classroom setting examples because I do not think her reviews are meant for K-12 educators. Perhaps I am wrong, but I don’t see how backchanneling could be used in Elementary schools (at least at the primary level).

      • tomwhyte1 8:11 am on September 13, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        I can see that, with tools like twitter and Facebook. However, our division has begun successfully using Edmodo to instruct some of our classes, which could facilitate a back channel like atmosphere for younger students.


    • jenbarker 5:49 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Another challenge would be that most students don’t have laptops or mobile devices at their disposal. As schools move to BYOD (bring your own device) this hopefully will change.

      • tomwhyte1 8:14 am on September 13, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        True, but by having enough technology to facilitate a back channel for students, potentially creates the issue of this occurring during class, a modern version of note passing I guess.


    • Mike Rae 9:11 pm on September 12, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      in the to 5 Ed Tech predictions for 2012 article of ZDnet (not the 2011 one critiqued by this class), BYOD is one that Chris Dawson sees coming. Dawson sees K-12 schools becoming more like universities in this sense.

    • Ranvir 6:30 pm on September 15, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      I agree that the predictions are valuable only if they are based on factual data to support them. Although, I haven’t gone through the article myself, the list provided does seem to align well with Horizon Report from last few years. Having said that, educators and venture capitalists need more concrete information such about the market size, who is using it, competition, etc in order to decide whether they would like to invest their time and money. In fact I really liked the Cube framework and look forward to reports that follow that paradigm.

  • jenbarker 9:31 pm on September 5, 2012
    0 votes

    Good evening new friends!   I am Jen and live in a lovely, quaint little village called Ladner.   It is located 30 minutes outside of Vancouver. My journey to MET is likely much different than many of yours.   Last September I began my Masters in Language and Literacy in a Surrey Cohort.  I […]

    Continue reading Nice to meet you… Posted in: Week 01: Introductions
    • kstackhouse 8:27 am on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Welcome Jen,

      Thanks for sharing your story. It sounds like you will have a very busy term. Have you taken ETEC 540 (Text Technologies: The Changing Spaces of Reading and Writing)? I am just starting in now. It sounds like you might be interested in the topics covered there. Although I am just beginning I have found it very interesting. Best of luck this term.


      • jenbarker 8:41 pm on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi Ken,
        No I haven’t taken ETEC 540. Currently I am taking ETEC 511. This week there was a lot of theory and I have been struggling to unpack the articles. I do hope to take 540 as an elective in the spring/summer or the other class that is connected to math and science. I see you are taking three course… brave! Best, Jen

    • Doug Connery 6:24 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen:

      I have heard of Ladner, My Wife’s Aunt and Uncle live there. Great story about your transition into MET and quick adoption of technology into your life. Look forward to working with you.


    • cunnian 8:08 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      HI Jen,
      We met briefly at the RQT summer institute. Glad to hear that you’ve made the switch and I look forward to working with you again!


      • jenbarker 8:42 pm on September 9, 2012 | Log in to Reply

        Hi John,
        Yes, I took the plunge. My stress levels hit the roof on Thursday when I was trying to navigate ETEC 511 on Connect. It is going to be a busy term but am glad I have a few people I can call on for help. Talk soon, Jen

    • Jonathan 9:17 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen —

      Good luck in your new role and good for you for switching to a newly found passion. I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time as a faculty advisor! Look forward to working with you!


    • sonofpat 7:28 am on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen,

      I love your story. It seems that you have awaken the ‘techo-geek ‘ in you.
      I know it would be fun having you here.


    • sophiabb 5:39 pm on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen,

      Great story! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to learning with you.


    • Eva Ziemsen 8:59 pm on September 7, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen,
      Nice to see you again. We shared a table in the summer course, if you remember. Great hat! Eva

  • jenbarker 2:20 pm on September 5, 2012
    0 votes

    Tags: Calendar, Week   

    Silly question, but here goes… When does Week One end and Week Two begin?   Is the end of the week considered Sunday and therefore all assignments for that week due by midnight on each Sunday?   I don’t plan to be last minute with my assignments or posts but just want to be clear […]

    Continue reading Define a week Posted in: Questions & Answers
    • Doug Connery 6:29 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen:

      Based on previous courses, Sunday is the end of the week, however David has the final say and the final hour/minute when things are due!


    • jenbarker 9:23 pm on September 6, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks Doug! Also, I am correct that there are no assigned reading this week? We just have the introduction and poll to do?

    • manny 9:24 am on September 8, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Hi Jen, In past courses I have noticed that week 1 is usually introductions. The course usually kicks off in week 2 and you will soon hope it was week 1 again. hehehe

    • David Vogt 4:55 pm on September 10, 2012 | Log in to Reply

      Thanks for your help on this, guys. Each week formally ends at 12 midnight Sunday (Pacific time zone)…


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