Daily Archives: March 29, 2012

Want to express your concern about the US federal government “leadership” in educational reform?

Check out the petition at dumpduncan.org

From the website:
“The future of public schools is in jeopardy. Private interests, aided by the Federal Government, are attempting to supplant local control and to transfer public funding to the hands of corporate interests. Public schools, locally controlled, are a cornerstone of our democracy. Relegating them to corporate-owned test prep factories places our nation at risk and steals our children’s future.”

The petition currently has 4300+ signatures.

Chicagoland researchers urge CPS to smarten up about using value added teacher evaluation

In an open letter to the Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel,
Chicago Public Schools CEO Jean-Claude Brizard, and the Chicago School Board educational researchers in and around Chicago offer a suggestion for caution in implementing a plan to use student achievement test scores as a substantial part of the evaluation of teachers and principals. They urge the CPS to:
1. Pilot and adjust the evaluation system before implementing it on a large scale.
2. Minimize the percentage that student growth counts in teacher or principal evaluation.