LFS TAs: Re-Orientation, LC Lunch & Learns, and new Course Design Hub on Canvas


Hello LFS TAs,

Now that we’ve all hopefully had a chance to settle into the new semester, we’d like to highlight a few exciting resources available to you. All are aimed to help support your roles as TAs.

LFS TA Re-Orientation for New TAs (Fri Feb 5, 11 AM – 12 PM PST via Zoom)
New and returning TAs are invited to attend this brief session for an introduction (or review) of relevant TA resources including the TA application system, your union collective agreement, and professional development opportunities, and to meet key LFS staff, CUPE 2278 union representatives, and fellow TAs.
Please register here: http://bit.ly/LFSTA_reorientation

Learning Centre Lunch & Learns (Fridays, 12-1 PM via Zoom)
Engage with topic experts, faculty members, and your peers at these weekly sessions and learn more about timely, teaching-related subjects. These sessions provide answers to a wide-array of questions including

  • Why can you make some movie scenes available on Canvas as course materials, but not a clip from a Netflix series (Jan 8)?
  • How can game design be leveraged for automated and individualized student learning paths on Canvas? (Dec 4)
  • What are some considerations for planning an immersive virtual field trip (Oct 16)?

For more information and to register, please visit: https://lc.landfood.ubc.ca/workshops/lunch-and-learn/

LFS Course Design Hub on Canvas
Created by the Learning Centre for the LFS teaching community, this Canvas course is a living space for sharing knowledge and content related to online teaching. Explore at your own pace the different guides and tools, and add your own resources.
To enroll, please visit: https://canvas.ubc.ca/enroll/XHJ36F
As this is an evolving resource, please let us know if you have any feedback on the existing page.

Until next time,
Your LFS TA Coordinators

Lennie Cheung   lennie.cheung@ubc.ca, and
Tebby Leepile     tebogo.leepile@ubc.ca