Category Archives: Uncategorized

Life, Possibilities, and the Kalahari’s Many Secrets in The Afrikaner by Arianna Dagnino

“Going into the desert evokes ancient biblical and literary traditions: the Israelites wander in the wilderness for forty years, Elijah flees into the desert, and John the Baptist emerges from the desert. Like these examples, the desert experience is depicted … Continue reading

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Book signing in Toronto at Indigo Bay and Bloor (May 15, 11.00 am-3.00 pm)

Join Arianna for a chat and book signing of “The Afrikaner” (Guernica, Toronto, 2019) WHERE: Indigo Bay & Bloor Bookstore, 55 Bloor St W, Toronto WHEN: May 15, 11.00 am-3.00 pm. Bring the sun if you can! 
I will bring … Continue reading

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“What am I doing here? Reflections after the book signing at IndigoSpirit Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto

Everything seemed so terribly wrong… but I was wrong! Bruce Chatwin’s memorable question came to my mind when, two days ago, I looked at myself standing at the entrance of IndigoSpirit Mount Sinai Hospital bookstore where I was supposed to … Continue reading

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Toronto at last! Book signing on May 10 at Indigo Spirit Mount Sinai Hospital Bookstore

Join me for a chat and book signing! Address: Indigo Spirit Mount Sinai Hospital Bookstore, 600 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 1X5 Date and Time: May 10, 11.00 am-1.00 pm. And bring the sun if you can! Cheers, Arianna

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Thank you Ottawa!

Thanks to all those readers who chatted with me and bought “The Afrikaner” today during my book signing at Chapters/Indigo Rideau in Ottawa. It was a pleasure to have a chance to know a little about you, your life, your … Continue reading

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Book Signing in Ottawa – May 8, 11.00 am – 6.00 pm

Please join me for a day of book signing and conversation, on Wed. May 8, at  Chapters/Indigo Bookstore in Ottawa: Rideau 47 (t. 613-241-007). I will be there from 11.00 am onwards, with a box of chocolates and personalized bookmarks. … Continue reading

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Book launch in Ottawa at Vimy Brewery (May 5, 2019)

Ottawa greeted us with a warm, sunny day for our Guernica spring launch (May 5, 2019) at Vimy Brewery. Thanks to all those who turned up to hear us read despite the gorgeous weather. Special thanks to the Italian Ambassador … Continue reading

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Review of “The Afrikaner” in “The Ottawa Review of Books”

“Some may think that writing a novel about a country [South Africa] not her own and so plagued by identity politics strays into the area of cultural appropriation. I would strongly disagree. Dagnino’s writing demonstrates the value of restoring to … Continue reading

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Book launch in Montreal-Paragraphe Bookstore (May 1, 2019)

I enjoyed sharing the podium with Ian Thomas Shaw and other Guernica writers for the book launch of “The Afrikaner” in Montreal (May 1) at Paragraphe Bookstore, as part of the Blue Met Festival. I am also glad that the … Continue reading

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Interview in the “Vancouver Sun”: author “hopes to turn novel into a movie”!

Thanks to Dana Gee for the beautiful interview in the “Vancouver Sun” on my novel “The Afrikaner” and for getting the gist of it: “Arianna Dagnino hopes to turn novel into a movie”! :-))) If you are interested in reading … Continue reading

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