Tanacetum sp could be gossypinum Hook. f. & Thoms. ex C.B. Clarke
Common name: Family: Compositae Information: Photos: K. Hewitt, Location/date TBD Sources and additional resources: GBIF Secretariat (2021). Tanacetum falconeri…
Common name: Family: Compositae Information: Photos: K. Hewitt, Location/date TBD Sources and additional resources: GBIF Secretariat (2021). Tanacetum falconeri…
Here are three more important tree species in and around UBC, Vancouver that were not in campus tour, but definitely…
Common name: Ballhead waterleaf Family: Boraginaceae (Sub-family: Hydrophyllaceae) Information: Occurs in montane to subalpine zones in mesic to dry forested…
Common name: A species of aster/daisy Family: Compositae Synonyms: Psychrogenton Information: Perennial herb found in the subalpine and alpine zone…
Alternatively: Aster falconeri (Clarke) Hutch. Common name: Alpine daisy / Alpine fleabane Family: Compositae Synonyms: Erigeron alpinum L. and others…
Common name: Worm-leaved stonecrop Family: Crassulaceae Information: Common in S. BC; dry rocky cliffs, talus slopes and meadows from the lowland…
BC Precipitation Amounts Based on a Precipitation-elevation Regression on Independent Slopes Model. Note: mapped precipitation patterns are not well constrained…
A) B) C) D) E) F) G) Match the leave/bark, above, with the species…