Course Netiquette

Netiquette is the practical code of behaviour for working virtually in an online environment. This course has a self-directed discussion board called Knowledge Café to encourage you to learn from each other by sharing inquiries, comments, and insights with respect to course topics.   The following are some general netiquette guidelines to keep in mind when you choose to participate in the self-directed online discussions in the course Knowledge Café.

  1. Adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that you follow in real life and in a real classroom.
  2. Know where you are in cyberspace, and understand that many people will view what you type.
  3. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth – so contribute valuable comments rather than “noise.”
  4. Express yourself clearly online and respect the views of others.
  5. Share expert knowledge with respect rather than using it to put others down.
  6. Don’t start “flame wars” (emotionally-charged opinions) and work to douse flaming whenever you see it.
  7. Respect other people’s privacy by not sharing or spreading inappropriate information. If someone posts information that you think may have been posted accidentally, let them know about it privately.
  8. Don’t worry too much about typing errors and spelling, as long as you can be understood. But be sure to spend time reviewing your messages before posting to be sure that they are written clearly.
  9. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes, and cheerfully acknowledge your own mistakes if you make them. Don’t correct insignificant problems in front of the entire group.
  10. Use proper and respectful language and refrain from any off-colour jokes, insults, or threats.
  11. Challenge ideas rather than the contributors who offer the ideas. When you challenge an idea, do so respectfully and with the goal of increasing everyone’s knowledge.
  12. Remember that your colleagues can’t see you wink or smile when you type. You may want to use “emoticons” (emotion icons) to indicate your feelings, such as the ubiquitous smiley face 🙂 or frowning face 🙁 Only use those emoticons that will be understood by others, or explain its meaning when you use it.

Adapted from