Knowledge Café

The Knowledge Café is the discussion board set up to engage participants in active learning for the course. Two types of discussion forums are arranged for the course, on-going self-directed forum and every-so-often instructor-led forums.

Self-directed Knowledge Café

The self-directed Knowledge Café is an on-going self-directed discussion board set up for the course. Any participants can join at anytime to post and answer questions with respect to each topic in each course module. No course enrollment is required. The purpose is for participants to share their knowledge and help each other out with the questions they may have for a specific topic. Participation in the self-directed forum are totally of one’s own free will and the communication is totally among participants.

Instructor-led Knowledge Café

Periodically instructor-led forums will be arranged for this free online course for participants recruited by Executive Office of the Asia Pacific Forestry Education Coordination Mechanism (AP-FECM) for one’s own career development. It will follow an 8-week course schedule with instructor-facilitated online discussions.  Participants need to enroll in the course before they can join the forum. The main objective of this forum is to share participant’s knowledge, experience and help each other with the questions they may have for a specific topic and the questions posted by instructor. Knowledge Café discussion is an important part of the course and students are required to actively participate in the discussion to complete the course.