Required Textbook
Due to the nature of the course, there is no single textbook that accompanies this course. The following titles will better your understanding of this online course:
- Hanley, N., & Barbier, E. B. (2009). Pricing nature: cost-benefit analysis and environmental policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN-13:978-1848444706
- Kumar, P. (Ed.). 2 The economics and ecosystems of biodiversity: ecological and economic foundations. New York: Routledge. ISBN-13:978-1849712125
- United Nation Environment Program. (2008). Payments for ecosystem services getting started: a primer. Nairobi: Forest Trends, The Katoomba Group, and UNEP. 978-92-807-2925-2. Retrieved from
There are a wide range of other textbooks that are aimed at specific parts of this course. These are referred to in the individual topics.
Supplementary Readings
You will be expected to read a considerable amount of supplementary material. This is referred to in the individual topics, but the following general supplementary readings are recommended:
- Bateman, I. J., Carson, R. T., Day, B., Hanemann, M., Hanley, N., Hett, T., Hett, T., Jones-Lee, M., Loomes, G., Mourato, S., Özdemiroglu, E., Pearce, D.W., Sugden, R., & Swanson, J. (2002). Economic valuation with stated preference techniques: a manual. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc.ISBN 1-84376-919-4
- Blaser, J., Sarre, A., Poore, D., & Johnson, S. (2011). Status of tropical forest management 2011 (ITTO Technical Series No. 38). Yokohama: International Tropical Timber Organization. ISBN 4-902045-78-8. Retrieved from
- Hanley, N., & Barbier, E. B. (2009). Pricing nature: cost-benefit analysis and environmental policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc. ISBN-13:978-1848444706
- Pagiola, S., von Ritter, K., & Bishop, J. (2004). Assessing the economic value of ecosystem conservation (Environment Department Paper No. 101). Washington, DC: The World Bank. Retrieved from
- Wunder, S. (2005). Payments for environmental services: some nuts and bolts (CIFOR Occasional Paper No. 42). Jakarta: Center for International Forestry Research. ISSN 0854-9818 Retrieved from