Self-reflection Essay Question:
Please answer the following self-reflection essay question. After formulating your answer, you may post it online at the Knowledge Café for this course as a way to share your ideas and glean knowledge from other students’ responses.
Have we reached a point where SD has become a hazardous concept today, especially in developing countries? Discuss its pros and cons?
[Hints: Although both WCED and ITTO define SD and SFM, neither relates the definitions to: what to sustain, level to sustain, and time it takes to sustain (i.e. all points to lack of economics). To complicate the definitions, many want to use SD or SFM as a measure of worthiness of managing tropical forests. Simply put, a dilemma is apparent if SD or SFM would become a criterion in evaluating the worthiness of managing tropical forests without due regards to economics, i.e. non-sustainable tropical forests are simply irrelevant when compared to tropical forests that have low and uneconomic yield (of a product or products) but are sustainable!]