Topic 2: A Case Study of Economic Valuation – Stumpage Valuation & Recreation and Protected Area Valuations

This section describes the applications of economic valuation for three forest ecosystem case studies: stumpage valuation, valuation of a forest recreation area using the travel cost method, and valuation of a protected area using the contingent valuation method. The objective is to demonstrate the methods used in valuing selected forest ecosystem services using different techniques. There are many such examples that you can find in journals, reports, and monographs, and it is highly encouraged that you read and understand how the studies are conducted and the assessments are made.

Read and understand the following articles:

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Read the following articles:

FAO. (2000). Applications of the contingent valuation method in developing countries: A survey. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper No. 146. Rome, Italy: FAO. Retrieved from

Hynes, S., Hanley, N., & O’Donoghue, C. (2009). Alternative treatments of the cost of time in recreational demand models: an application to whitewater kayaking in IrelandJournal of Environmental Management90(2), 1014-1021.

Pythagore, H., Donfouet, P., Cook, J., & Jeanty, P.W. (2014). The economic value of improved air quality in urban Africa: a contingent valuation survey in Douala, Cameroon. Environment and Development Economics. Available on CJO 2014 doi:10.1017/S1355770X14000552.

Seenprachawong, U. (2001). An economic analysis of coral reefs in the Andaman Sea of Thailand. EEPSEA Research Report. Singapore: Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia.

Please answer the following self-reflection questions. After formulating your answers, you may post them online at the Knowledge Café for this course as a way to share your ideas and glean knowledge from other students’ responses.

SrQ#2. 1: How do you capture the stumpage value based on valuation of timber resources?

SrQ#2. 2: What are elicitation format which is appropriate for valuing forest conservation area?

SrQ#2. 3: What are some problems that are faced when conducting travel cost method analysis of a frest recreation area?