2 – Stanley Park


Ptilidium californicum – leafy liverwort

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Rhytidiadelphus loreus


Dicranum tauricum – finger lickin’ good


Pogonatum contortum


Pogonatum contortum


Plagiomnium insigne


Calypogiea muelleriana


Tetraphis pellucida

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Schistostega pennata – goblin moss….glowing protonema!


Grimmia Workshop

Grimmia Workshop with Roxanne Hastings
May 9-10, 2012
The University of British Columbia Herbarium, Beaty Biodiversity Museum


This two-day bryophyte workshop will concentrate on the genus Grimmia, one of the most diverse and abundant group of moss to grow in western North America. This complex and often difficult genu s is not traditional dichotomous key. During the workshop, the instructor will present a series of tables breaking the genus into four easily recognized subgenera, thus making identification easier and reliably accomplished by comparing a diversity of characters. Through lectures and hands-on experience participants will learn the key characters of Grimmia that are critical to using the tables and dissecting techniques that will maximize the probability of correct identification. Participants are encouraged to bring collections of Grimmia with them to work on during the workshop.
Roxanne Hastings is the Curator of Botany at the Royal Alberta Museum. She received her Master’s degree in Plant Ecology from the University of Alberta search focuses on moss systematics and floristic biogeography as related to continental drift and the structure of ancient continental landscapes. She has contributed treatments of Grimmia andCoscinodon to the treatments of bryophytes in the Flora of North America North of Mexico and has published five new species in the Grimmiaceae and one new lichen taxon. Currently Roxy is working on several new treatments of Grimmia from California.
Coarse fee $175.00 (cheque payable to the UBC Herbarium)
Class limits to 15 person.
Registration deadline May 1, 2012:
Mail to:
UBC Herbarium
Dept. of Botany
University of British Columbia
#3529-6270 University Blvd.
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
V6T 1Z4