About Susan

Associate Professor and Director of the Innovative Learning Centre

Khan Academy Changing Education

Khan Academy is an educational website that, as its tagline puts it, aims to let anyone “learn almost anything—for free.” Students, or anyone interested enough to surf by, can watch some 2,400 videos in which the site’s founder, Salman Khan, chattily discusses principles of math, science, and economics (with a smattering of social science topics thrown in). The videos are decidedly lo-fi, even crude: Generally seven to 14 minutes long, they consist of a voice-over by Khan describing a mathematical concept or explaining how to solve a problem while his hand-scribbled formulas and diagrams appear onscreen. Like the Wizard of Oz, Khan never steps from behind the curtain to appear in a video himself; it’s just Khan’s voice and some scrawly equations. In addition to these videos, the website offers software that generates practice problems and rewards good performance with videogame-like badges—for answering a “streak” of questions correctly, say, or mastering a series of algebra levels. (Carpenter has acquired 52 Earth badges in math, which require hours of toil to attain and at which his classmates gaze with envy and awe.)


Maker Day Tool Kit – Revised July 2014


To download a pdf of Maker DayToolKit (as of Mar.27/2014)

Thanks to excellent collaboration and support from Erin Johnson and her team at Industry Training Authority (ITA – http://www.itabc.ca/ ) and Nancy Darling and her team from the Women in Trades program at Okanagan College, the ILC hosted Maker Day 2013.

Educators, Ministry of Education folks, ITA folks all came together to design, tinker and create.  The following resources were development to help others create their own Maker Day events.  Use and enjoy!!!

If you downloaded this resource earlier – this is a new version as of July 7, 2014
Creative Commons License
Maker Day Tool Kit by Dr. Susan Crichton and Deb Carter, PhD (C) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

From the ePub

What is a Maker Day? (pp. 4-5)

1. Making a Case for Making (pp. 6-10)

2. Background to Design Thinking (pp. 11-13)

3. Annotated Reference List (pp. 14-17)

4. Globe and Mail: “Where did all our skilled workers go?” (pp. 18-19)

How to plan and host a Maker Day

5. Checklist for planning a Maker Day (pp.20-21)

6. Draft Agenda (p. 22-23)

7. Group Facilitators’ Roles and Responsibilities (pp. 24-29)

8. Designing a problem Sketch (pp. 30-33)

9. Problem Sketch (pp. 34-36)

What is needed to host a Maker Day?

10. Facilitator Guide (p. 37)

11. Facilitator Checklist (pp. 37-38)

12. Participant Guide (p. 39)

13. Design Thinking Resources (p. 39)

14. Reflection Panel (p. 40)

15. Participant Groups’ Kit Contents (p. 41)

16. Maker Day Tool Crib (p. 41)

Resources to Support Your Maker Day

17. Hatch: Maker Movement Manifesto (p. 43)

18. What Makes a Good Project? (p. 44)

19. Ice Breaker (p. 45) 

We did the low-tech social networking activity.  It worked well.  We invited participants to make their initial contributions during the registration process and before the event actually started.  We encouraged them to revisit the activity during the day to make additional connections.  Make sure to use paper that is more SQUARE than linear to encourage a range of connections.  unfortunately, we used a long piece of paper and the connections were harder to make.


20. Required Materials (pp. 46-49)

Word documents are provided in #15 and #16 above.

Additional Resources

These resources (not in ePub or printed Maker Day Toolkit) have been gathered during multiple formal and informal discussions of Maker Day Toolkit

IDEO Human-Centred Design (HCD) Kit

Note: To download free resource (bottom left hand corner), you are asked to join  HCD Connect (free)

IDEO Design Thinking for Educators

From the website: This toolkit contains the process and methods of design along with the Designer’s Workbook, adapted specifically for the context of K-12 education.

Stanford d.school Wallet Project

Links on this page includes Gift Giving Project, the Wallet Project pdf and Design Process Mini Guide

Suggested by teachers in EDST 498O class during Summer Institute in Education 2014

Buck Institute for Education (BIE) Problem Based Learning (PBL)

 All about PBL including a Project Search curated by BiE. From the website: At the Buck Institute for Education (BIE), our highest priority is to help teachers prepare students for successful lives … As a mission-driven nonprofit organization, BIE creates, gathers, and shares high-quality PBL instructional practices and products and provides highly effective services to teachers, schools, and districts.

Catalyst for Science

From the website: Catalyst for Science provides an online collection of science-based resources primarily for BC teachers, and shares these resources with non-formal educators, parents and students … Example: Easy Squeasy Circuits


Clifford I. Nass, a Stanford University communication professor who studied human interaction with technology and challenged the idea that people can multitask effectively, died on Saturday.

Mr. Nass, 55, was at the Stanford Sierra Camp, near South Lake Tahoe, Calif., for the fall faculty and staff weekend at the time of his death, according to an announcement on the university’s website. He collapsed following a hike, a university official said. The cause of death is unknown.

Mr. Nass had been at Stanford since 1986. He studied the social nature of people’s interactions with technology and, later, the effects of digital multitasking on productivity and social and emotional development.

In 2009, Mr. Nass and two colleagues published a study concluding that people presented with multiple streams of information simultaneously are unable to pay attention or move from one task to another as well as those who executed a single job at a time.


New Technologies for Children Learning STEM/STEAM Subjects and the 21st Century Skills


Think back to when you were a child. Do you remember spending hours building and creating? Did you play with LEGO™s? Maybe you even participated in a robot building contest? How did this experience affect your curiosity and creativity skill?

LEGOs and robotics are being used as a transformative way of learning Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) mainly in primary and secondary schools. LEGOs are also being used in pre-schools to develop creativity skills for children. Research has shown that the use of educational robotics increases students’ academic achievement in specific STEM concept areas and promotes cooperative learning and problem solving skills. Some studies also underscore robotics’ potential to engage females and underserved youth in learning STEM subjects.

Similarly, new technologies in computer programming and electronics are transforming the way that students learn how to work in these fields, as well as improving their problem solving and creativity skills. Delivery mechanisms of these technologies also help children learn not only STEM subjects but also art and design (jointly called “STEAM”, A for Art). And the fact that many of these tools are built on an open source platform allows teachers to create a community of practice and to learn from each other.