Author Archives: nmacdonald

Home Away From Home?

At the recent Search for Life Beyond the Solar System conference in Arizona, it was announced that an Earth-sized planet had been found orbiting a star’s habitable zone. Thomas Barclay, a NASA astronomer, looked at data collected by the Kepler telescope to determine the characteristics of this planet. However, he’s been quiet about the details, waiting until his research is published.

Area in Kepler Telescope’s Range of View (Source: NASA)

At least we know the important part: it orbits in the habitable zone. Many scientists believe that liquid water is necessary for life to exist and while this may an Earth-centric view to take, so far it seems like liquid water is most associated with life.  While we don’t know if there is water on this planet, we know that its distance from its host star means that it’s cool enough for water to condense yet warm enough for it to not freeze.

The second most important part is its size: its relatively small size (1.1 times the radius of Earth) among all the exo-planets detected means that it’s the first Earth-sized planet to be found orbiting a star’s habitable zone. While we are not exactly sure how dependent life is on gravity, it bodes well for the possibility of life if a planet has the similar characteristics as that of the only planet known to host life.

While a minimal amount of details are known to those outside of the conference, we do know that the star the planet orbits an M1 Dwarf, also known as a Red Dwarf.

Artist’s depiction of a Red Dwarf (Source: Wikipedia)

These stars are very small and their masses range from the bare minimum needed for star formation to half that of the Sun. They are also the most common star in the Milky Way.

We also know that there are at least five other planets that are in orbit around this dwarf.

However, it’s probably best to ease up on the speculation and wait until the research is published: when we know more about the planet, then we can continue to consider what this discovery means for the search for life on other planets.

– Nicholas MacDonald

Global Warming… and Smallpox?

    Heatwaves, droughts, freaky weather, and rising sea levels are just some of the extreme consequences we can expect as global temperatures continue to rise over the next few years. However, according to some scientists, we can add another potential disaster to that list: the introduction of new diseases.

    Researchers based in France and Russia retrieved and analyzed a 30,000 year-old permafrost core, in which was contained a sample of giant DNA viruses. These are viruses that are so big that some are visible underneath light microscopes. This giant DNA virus, which the researchers named Pithovirus sibericum, is believed to have been last active during the previous Ice Age.

The Chukotka region of Sibera, where the permafrost core was taken from. (Source: Wikipedia)

    Researchers were able to bring the sample “back to life” in the lab and believe that its protein coat was a factor in protecting it and ensuring that it could tolerate 30,000 years of being encased in permafrost.


    Although this virus only infects amoebas and is therefore harmless to humans, this does have grave implications for people: as permafrost begins to melt across the globe, more viruses with the same protective coating could be introduced again. Some of these viruses may in fact be able to infect humans and we may likely immunity to them (seeing as some have disappeared into the ground before Homo sapiens eventually came about).

Microscopic image of Pithovirus sibericum. (Source: Julia Bartolia and Chantal Abergel of UGS and CNRS-AMU)

    One concern expressed in the comments section is smallpox: although the last case of smallpox was in 1977, many smallpox victims of the 1800’s were buried in northern Canada, where they are encased in permafrost. As temperatures continue to rise and ice continues to melt, many of these bodies may be exposed to the surface. Could smallpox survive? Hopefully not. But in a worst-case scenario, we could see the re-emergence of smallpox and although it would be relatively brief (because of our access to vaccines), it would still be devastating to many.

    However, people must be wary of these alarmist attitudes. For example, we don’t know how likely it is that smallpox could survive. Even if it could, could it be re-animated? Pithovirus sibericum needed the help of a lab to start functioning again. So even if these viruses were exposed to the surrounding environment, could they function and infect people? The ability to infect people is an adaptation: many of these viruses would be older than us, so how would they have to ability to infect humans?

   Global warming is a frightening thought, but we don’t need to scare ourselves silly thinking about things that may be more suited for the script of a science fiction movie.

 – Nicholas MacDonald

Grey Holes?

An exaggerated rendition of ‘gravitational lensing,’ an indirect way of observing black holes via their gravitational effect on light. (Wikipedia Commons)

A couple weeks ago, renowned theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking released a paper suggesting a new take on black holes. This paper, “Information Preservation and Weather Forecasting for Black Holes” — and although yet to be peer-reviewed — strives to unravel the “firewall” controversy surrounding black holes. This so-called controversy came about through the work of Stephen Hawking himself: in 1974, Hawking theorized that black holes should emit some kind of radiation. While black holes are capable of trapping even light itself, the probabilistic and dualistic nature of small particles means that particles should be released beyond the event horizon, that is, the theoretical point-of-no-escape for a black hole due to its immense gravity. This means black holes radiate: this radiation is commonly referred to as “Hawking radiation.”  

An extremely simplified diagram showing the theoretical processes behind Hawking Radiation. (Stephen Dilorio)

However, in 2012, a group of theorists published a paper in which they applied the workings of quantum mechanics to this phenomenon and realized that, if Hawking radiation exists, it would create a wall of energy around the event horizon of the black hole, a literal “firewall.” Anything passing through the event horizon would be burnt by this energy, but more importantly, it would make black holes visible and extremely obvious. And as we know, no black holes have ever been directly identified: we can only infer their existence through theoretical physics and indirectly identify their locations through the effects of their gravitation pull.  


To counter this, Hawking addresses the nature of event horizons and most importantly suggests that they may not be as “strong” as previously believed: that is, light is able to pass through, and black holes may even “leak” matter. Hawking calls these boundaries “apparent horizons.” This goes against the widely held belief that once you pass an event horizon, there is no escape from a black hole, the most well-known characteristic of a black hole. This is what gives black holes their “black” nature, their ability to trap light.


Hawking’s paper isn’t so much a deliberate attempt to solve the paradox outright, but rather, suggests a new way for us to think about the event horizon of a black hole. What makes the paper interesting is that, while the study of black holes involves the heavy usage of mathematics, the paper itself contains no such calculations and comes up to a grand total of 3 pages (not including references). As such, it has been met with both skepticism, but some enthusiasm as well. After all, Hawking is a respected member of the field. This casts an interesting light on this field of science: although it eventually does follow the same rigorous methodology that defines most scientific pursuits (i.e making predictions and confirming them), it shows the power of sitting down and thinking when trying to unravel scientific mysteries.

– Nicholas MacDonald