Ocumetics’ Bionic Lens: Prefect vision for everyone?

Are you suffering from poor vision? Do you ever complain about wearing eye glasses because they may ‘ruin’ your look? Have you ever imagined there would come a day to have perfect vision?

Recently, a new bionic eye lens named The Ocumetics Bionic Lens has got a lot of attention in media. This lens was developed by Dr. Garth Webb of Ocumetics Technology Corporation, who has dedicated his professional life to finding a way to improve and correct human vision regardless of patients’ eye conditions. This new bionic lens is able to correct human vision at all distance and give patients approximately three times vision enhancement for an entire lifetime. See the following YouTube video for a brief description of this new bionic lens.

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These specialized lenses are beneficial because they offset the risk of acquiring cataracts. This is because your eye’s natural lenses, which tend to deteriorate over time, have been replaced by these super stable bionic ones. In addition, compared to laser eye surgery, which involves corneal reshaping to improve visual acuity, this new bionic lens is perfectly safe; it does not cause any physiological changes to the eyes or other side effects that laser surgery may have, such as inflammation, astigmatism and decreased night vision.

How does it work?

According to Ocumetics’ website, this remarkable lens can be implanted into human eyes via a painless and outpatient surgery without anesthesia and hospitalization. The operation only takes 8 minutes, aiming to replace the eye’s natural lenses with the bionic ones. Ten seconds after the surgery, the bionic lenses unfold and wrap up over your eyes on its own, immediately correcting a patient’s impaired vision.

This remarkable lens looks like a small button. Image from www.cbc.ca

Is it affordable?

Dr. Webb claims the cost of the surgery is around 3000 dollars per eye. Is it overpriced? Compared to the laser eye surgery, which costs around 2000 dollars per eye, a total cost of 6000 dollars for lifelong perfect vision seems quite cheap for what is involved. In fact, this surgery may cost less than eye glasses or contact lenses in the long run because the new bionic lenses do not need to be replaced as often. Also, as the product and the technology become more mainstream in the market, the price will eventually go down.

Who can benefit from it?

The company is currently performing clinical trials on animals and blind human eyes. If the product was clinically approved to be able to cure blindness, it would be a great news for the blind. Also, for those people who are unhappy with wearing corrective lenses, this new bionic lens can provide them a better option in terms of cost, vision correction and ease of use.

Ying Yu

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