Author Archives: Henry Liu

Is What You’re Currently Doing, Killing You?

Chances are, while reading this blog post, you are seated on a chair in a posture that’s unhealthy for your body and some of you may even have back or neck pain.

Back and neck pain. Source: Flickr Commons

Back and neck pain.
Source: Flickr Commons

Sitting: An Unknown Assassin

Nowadays, it seems pretty much anything can kill you and astoundingly, this includes sitting. Sitting has become the new smoking as awareness of the adverse effects it has on our health increases along with the difficulty to ‘quit’ this subtle comfort. Unfortunately, most of us are bound by our lifestyle that revolves around a chair. Whether this is at work in an office, on a desk at school, during our daily commute, eating a meal, or relaxing at home watching television – we are bound to a habit that’s silently killing us.

Health Risks From Sitting

Sitting, termed sedentary behaviour, by the scientific community has shown to lead to cardiovascular diseases such as a heart attack or clogged arteries, type 2 diabetes, cancer, muscular pains, weight gain; all of which significantly raise your mortality rate despite exercising.

It is estimated that one loses 7 years of life expectancy if they’re sedentary compared to a physically active person. This makes anatomical sense as our bodies were not designed to be constantly stagnant as evidenced by our elastic skin, many joints and muscles, and how blood flow slows while sitting.  This is better explained by Murat Dalkilinc of Ted-Ed:

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What Can We Do?

Sit with an exercise ball. Source: Flickr Commons

Sit with an exercise ball.
Source: Flickr Commons

The solution is simple! While it may not always be practical, try to be more active if you have sat for a prolonged period of time. It’s best to get moving for every thirty minutes of sitting and there’s many different methods to try. Experiment sitting on an exercise ball; this works your core muscles giving your body a better balance. Also try yoga poses for a few minutes or a brisk walk in between commercial breaks.

As a reminder to staying healthy, why don’t you move around a bit right now. Whatever you do, just get moving!

Henry Liu


Nanotechnology: The Tools of Tomorrow

I’m certain some of you remember back to an old ‘Magic School Bus’ episode where Ms. Frizzle shrinks the class on an adventure to see Arnold’s digestive system. While the method would probably not be practical, the idea of using micro-sized machinery to enter the human body system definitely is.

Enter: Nanobots!


Molecular Nanotechnology. Source: Wikimedia Commons (by: Petr Král)

In the past, ideas like the PillCam was one of the pioneers for nanotechnology in medicine. In the current age,  nanotechnology is the current fad with new innovations coming out each year. By being able to send robotics one-thousandth the size of your hair to do complex tasks, we pave a new path for science. However, what’s more amazing are the applications that this futuristic technology can bring to healthcare.


Using Nanobots to Battle Cancer

Dr. Ido Bachelet of Israel developed nanobots made entirely of DNA which he said it could be used to combat cancer. These nanobots would follow the traits of the immune system and actively find and destroy cancer cells, but would not harm able-bodied cells.

The DNA nanobots model after white blood cells and flow through the bloodstream, looking for signs of cancer by examining proteins on the surface of cells. If cancerous surface proteins are found, the nanobots deliver a lethal dose of drugs and effectively kill the cell. After, these nanobots will naturally degrade as DNA.

Results have already been found as these nanobots successfully eliminated the cancerous cells out of a mixture of healthy and cancer cells, while leaving the healthy cells unharmed. Human trials are expected to be underway.

Here is an interesting video of Dr. Bachelet talking about his research:

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‘DNA Origami’ – A New Drug Delivery System

Another application of nanotechnology is the creation of ‘DNA origami’ by Dr. Paul Rothemund of Caltech. His invention allows for nucleotides to make complex shapes for many purposes. One such purpose is a drug delivery system, which has many benefits as it’s of the molecular scale.

drug delivery

Source: (by: Emmanuel Ho)

Kurt Gothelf of Denmark has made a box out of DNA origami in which he hopes would be able to store drugs and sufficiently deliver them inside a cell.

A team of scientists in China has also tested DNA origami as a carrier for drug delivery for cancer therapy as being both efficient and safe.

This is only the tip of what nanotechnology can provide for us. Besides healthcare, it also has significant research in energy, cleaning water systems, warfare (such as stopping wounds immediately), etc.

With this fast expanding industry on the horizon, we’ll surely see the problems of today become something of the past.


Henry Liu