Author Archives: ying yu

Visions of a Greener Earth

Have you ever been watering plants and wondered just how much water was being absorbed by plants? Is the water you’re using to soak your garden even being put to good use by the plants? It turns out, plants contain an extensive system with complicated processes which allows them to “drink” water via osmosis. A little known fact, plants have an inner and outer layer which they use to filter water. Dr. Jetter, a researcher in the department of botany at the University of British Columbia, completed a study that aimed to figure out the function of each of those layers. He did this by examining eight different species of plants and studying the chemistry of each individual inner and outer layer.

Dr. Reinhard Jetter from UBC Department of Botany. Image courtesy of Daryl’s Camera

Our group had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Jetter at the Biological Sciences building where he gave us further insight into his research. When our group first read his paper, we expected similar research had already been completed by scientists at other institutions but surprisingly, that was not the case. In fact, Dr. Jetter told us related research had only been done by one other group of scientists located in Germany in 2001. The video below highlights the most important components of Dr. Jetter’s research and what he found:

Video – Credit to Dr. Reinhard Jetter, Brian Wong, Daryl Kwok and Ying Yu

Plant cuticles were isolated. Image courtesy of Daryl’s Camera

A specially designed water chamber was used to measure how fast water passes through each layer of cuticles. Image courtesy of Daryl’s Camera

Why is this research significant? Well for one, North America suffered major droughts from 2012-2015 due to record-breaking heat waves. Acres of vegetation died off and as a result, entire ecosystems were disrupted. Additionally, water became an extremely scarce resource and states such as California were so desperate for water, they were buying it from Canada. So what are the nitty-gritty details regarding the composition of how plants control water loss? Furthermore, what are its applications to the general public? We examine this in the podcast below:

Audio –  Credit to Dr. Reinhard Jetter, Brian Wong and Ying Yu

Like all studies done in the name of science, there exist limitations. Each individual plant’s chemical components are not analogous, the water-loss barriers will vastly differ within each species. For example, in Dr. Jetter’s study, some plant species had up to 100 times water-loss prevention effectiveness versus other species. This variation is due largely to the interaction between chemical compounds within the plant itself. As a result, it would be an extremely extensive task to accurately record every individual plant species’ ability to control water-loss.

With Dr. Jetter’s research as a basis, huge potential exists in developing technologies that would drastically reduce the negative effects of drought. In the future, if scientists can fully understand and utilize the level of water loss between plant layers, vast farmlands which are highly dependent on weather conditions could be alleviated of disastrous levels of crop loss. Undoubtedly, Dr. Jetter’s research serves as the pioneering basis for a frontier of unspoken possibilities to benefit our great big green planet Earth.

-Group 3: Brian Wong, Daryl Kwok and Ying Yu

Stop smoking to make a big difference to your health

Nowadays, it’s hard to find a person who hasn’t heard about how harmful smoking is to our overall health. Each year, cigarette smoking is responsible for nearly 20 percent deaths in the United States and more than 6 million of people in the world died from smoking-related diseases. Smoking is harmful to every part of the body and can lead to serious health problems, such as cancer, heart diseases and respiratory problems.

 Smoking-related diseases

Smoking is one of the leading causes of cancer and it accounts for more than 30 percent of all cancer deaths in the U.S each year. The reason behind it is that smoking can trigger DNA mutations and damage the genes that protect us from cancers. Studies have shown that cigarette smoke contains more than 7000 chemicals and more than 69 of them are known to be carcinogens, which can cause varying degrees of DNA damage. As a result, people who smoke are more likely to develop certain types of cancers, such as lung cancer, throat cancer and liver cancer.

Additionally, cigarette smoking can cause heart diseases by damaging the function of your heart and the structure of the blood vessels. First, smoking produces carbon monoxide that can reduce the oxygen level in the bloodstream and hence increase heart rate to supply the body with enough oxygen. Second, some chemicals in cigarette smoke have been shown to cause the fatty plaque build-up inside the arteries. This will increase the risk of getting stroke, heart attack and atherosclerosis.


The image shows how smoking can affect arteries in the heart. Image from National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Furthermore, smoking is also the primary cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is a type of progressive lung disease that can cause respiratory problems and lung infections. The main symptoms of COPD include coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. Cigarette smoking can also cause damage to lung tissues and reduce the airflow in and out of the lungs, resulting in many breathing-related problems.

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Youtube video – Smoking and its effects on Health. By iheedinstitute

Benefits of quitting smoking

Quitting smoking can lower the risk for smoking-related diseases and largely improve our overall health. Recent studies have shown that quitting smoking before the age of 40 can reduce the risk of early death from smoke-related diseases by 90 percent and increase the life expectancy by 10 years.The following graph shows the timeline of recovery effects after quitting tobacco.


Timeline of health benefits after stopping smoking. Image from

In summary, cigarette smoking can cause negative health effects in many ways and it is also a major risk factor for developing cancers and other preventable diseases. Quitting smoking can help regain your health to the same level as those of non-smokers. It is never too late to stop smoking and start a healthy lifestyle!

-Ying Yu

Unlock Your Account by Your Friends’ Faces

Passwords are the most common authentication method we use today to prove one’s identity. One of the major problems with using passwords is that people are often faced with a trade-off between security and usability; people are either making their passwords too simple, and are easily hacked into, or are making them extremely complicated to remember.

In general, compared to other existing authentication systems, such as digital signature and fingerprint recognition, passwords are cheap and simple to use. Therefore, it is the most widely used authentication mechanism today. Recently, something possibly “better” than passwords has arrived. A paper that was published on PeerJ proposed a new authentication system called “Facelock” based on the facial recognition technology. See the following YouTube video for a short introduction of facial recognition.

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The physiological principle behind this new authentication system is that our brains have the ability to recognize familiar faces. You can easily recognize many different faces of the same person who you know pretty well, but you may find it is difficult to identify strangers across a range of images. Facelock is built on the fact that only authentic users can reliably identify the target faces but attackers are unlikely to recognize them. When logging in, Facelock allows users to go through a series of pages that each contains nine faces of different people with only one face that is familiar to the account holder. To unlock your account, you need to successfully select the target face on each page.


Can you recognize the person who appears twice in the image? Image from

However, such a system also has certain limitations. The system is vulnerable to an attacker who has many friends in common with the user, which means your closest acquaintances are likely to be able to recognize your target faces. Additionally,  if the target person whose appearance is distinctive (i.e. has an outstanding characteristics such as a full beard or have a bald head) or if the images of the same person are not sufficiently different, then an attacker may still be able to identify the target faces without many challenges. On the other hand, there is no boundary to determine whether the image is distinctive or not and it is hard to tell if the two images are different enough. So how should we select the images for the system to avoid similarity and distinctiveness? Finally, Does Facelock actually benefit to a user when compared to the password authentication system? In fact, Facelock is not as easy to use as passwords and it takes more time to unlock your account because you have to spend more time recognizing faces.

In conclusion, this new authentication system seems reliable and implementable with current technology, but to make it a viable replacement of passwords, the developers should pay attention on how to make appropriate target selection to make it more user-friendly.

Ying Yu

Ocumetics’ Bionic Lens: Prefect vision for everyone?

Are you suffering from poor vision? Do you ever complain about wearing eye glasses because they may ‘ruin’ your look? Have you ever imagined there would come a day to have perfect vision?

Recently, a new bionic eye lens named The Ocumetics Bionic Lens has got a lot of attention in media. This lens was developed by Dr. Garth Webb of Ocumetics Technology Corporation, who has dedicated his professional life to finding a way to improve and correct human vision regardless of patients’ eye conditions. This new bionic lens is able to correct human vision at all distance and give patients approximately three times vision enhancement for an entire lifetime. See the following YouTube video for a brief description of this new bionic lens.

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These specialized lenses are beneficial because they offset the risk of acquiring cataracts. This is because your eye’s natural lenses, which tend to deteriorate over time, have been replaced by these super stable bionic ones. In addition, compared to laser eye surgery, which involves corneal reshaping to improve visual acuity, this new bionic lens is perfectly safe; it does not cause any physiological changes to the eyes or other side effects that laser surgery may have, such as inflammation, astigmatism and decreased night vision.

How does it work?

According to Ocumetics’ website, this remarkable lens can be implanted into human eyes via a painless and outpatient surgery without anesthesia and hospitalization. The operation only takes 8 minutes, aiming to replace the eye’s natural lenses with the bionic ones. Ten seconds after the surgery, the bionic lenses unfold and wrap up over your eyes on its own, immediately correcting a patient’s impaired vision.

This remarkable lens looks like a small button. Image from

Is it affordable?

Dr. Webb claims the cost of the surgery is around 3000 dollars per eye. Is it overpriced? Compared to the laser eye surgery, which costs around 2000 dollars per eye, a total cost of 6000 dollars for lifelong perfect vision seems quite cheap for what is involved. In fact, this surgery may cost less than eye glasses or contact lenses in the long run because the new bionic lenses do not need to be replaced as often. Also, as the product and the technology become more mainstream in the market, the price will eventually go down.

Who can benefit from it?

The company is currently performing clinical trials on animals and blind human eyes. If the product was clinically approved to be able to cure blindness, it would be a great news for the blind. Also, for those people who are unhappy with wearing corrective lenses, this new bionic lens can provide them a better option in terms of cost, vision correction and ease of use.

Ying Yu