Antibiotics aren’t always the answer

Have you ever gone to the doctor’s clinic and asked for a prescription of antibiotics to treat a cold, a sore throat, or a flu? Did your doctor agree and willingly provide you a prescription? In both instances, you probably shouldn’t have asked and your doctor should have probably refused.

Antibiotics are the most commonly prescribed drugs and are praised for their life saving abilities. However, according to the Centres for Disease and Prevention (CDC), 50 % of the time they are poorly prescribed. This has resulted in the rising emergence of antibiotic resistance, which has been described as a global health crisis by the World Health Organization.


Image Courtesy of: Flikr Commons

Antibiotics, first used in the 1940’s, are strong medicines used to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria in order to subsequently treat bacterial infections. Bacteria can cause infections such as:

Although antibiotics are powerful medicines, they are ineffective against illnesses caused by viruses. A few examples of common illnesses caused by viruses are:

It is best advised to just allow most viral infections to run their course and to allow your own immune system to kick in and fight the infection.

However, one may ask, “why not just take antibiotics just to be on the safe side?” The problem with this is that the overuse of antibiotics, especially when they are not the approapriate treatment, promotes antibiotic resistance. This term is synonymous with bacterial resistance, in which bacteria are no longer inhibited by an antibiotic to which they were previously sensitive to. The video below provides an excellent explanation as to how antibiotic resistance arises.

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YouTube video courtesy of: TED-Ed

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are harder, take longer, and are more costly to treat. In the worst-case scenario, no antibiotic will be available, resulting in a life-threatening bacteria strain. In fact, according to the CDC, “at least 2 million people become infected with bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result of these infections.”

Exercise caution and be sure to talk with your doctor when determining whether antibiotics are the right option for you. Remember, only take antibiotics if absolutely necessary!

Thanks for reading.


Concerns About Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear fusion is not usually subject to ethical scrutiny, since it promises to replace fossil fuels and nuclear fission as the main power source. It is much cleaner and safer. However, there are concerns.

There have been some major advances in the field of nuclear fusion last week. If you don’t know much about the subject, I recommend you watch the video bellow before reading the articles.

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The theory behind fusion has been understood for nearly a century, and controlled reactions have been achieved as early as 1950’s. But all those experiments required more energy than they produced, making them useless for power generation. However, this changed recently, when scientists in Germany successfully operated a fusion reactor that they say is able to produce net energy gain. Further, just last week, researchers at MIT made important discoveries about how the hot plasma behaves inside the reactor.

JET fusion reactor in England. The torus is designed to hold the heated plasma suspended in air, without touching the walls. Source: Flickr, by aglet

JET fusion reactor. The torus is designed to hold the heated plasma suspended in air, preventing it from touching the walls and thus losing heat.
Source: Flickr, by aglet


Now, to the ethics part. What could possibly be ethically controversial about a power source that does not pollute our atmosphere with carbon and does not produce radioactive materials, that is safe and practically limitless? Well, it’s the fact that it’s not limitless.

Like Dr. Cowley, I worry about the Sun swallowing the Earth when it expands. Another realization that struck me very hard was the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The entropy of the universe is constantly increasing and so even if we get off of our planet in time, there will come a day when all the universe is in thermodynamic equilibrium, at which point no life will be possible. And although these events are billions of years away, they worry me. I don’t understand why. I know there is nothing we can do about them and I hope that, despite our best efforts, I’ll be dead by then.

What we can do something about is the first thing Dr. Cowley talked about, our consumption of natural resources. And what fusion is, is the consumption of Earth’s most precious resource: water. They tell us that there is enough water on Earth to last 30 million years, but obviously, we can’t use all of it. Even if the only thing we care about are our own anthropocentric little selves and let all other life on Earth perish, we can’t use 100%. We probably couldn’t even use 50% and I don’t think we should use any, because the process of fusion is irreversible. As a source of energy, it is completely unrenewable (which even fossil fuels are, to some degree).

I understand, it is the lesser evil, but it is an evil nevertheless. It is a treatment of symptoms rather than the cause, which is simply that we use too much. What we should focus on, is reducing our consumption, which we will eventually have to do anyway, be it now or in 30 million years. We should reduce our consumption so that renewable sources (wind, solar) would suffice. Or better yet, we should all go live in the woods and be merry. 🙂

– Jan



The Intelligent Elephant: An Animal too Cognitively Developed for Captivity

How can we decide what species can be taken into captivity? There are many factors to consider when assessing whether an animal can live an adequate lifestyle in captivity. Among these factors, is assessing the cognitive capacity of the animal in question.

One family of species that is well known for their intelligence, is the family Elephantidae — modern day African and Asian elephants. Sadly, these species are also well known as ” zoo attractions.”

It has been thoroughly observed, and studied, that elephants have an outstanding emotional capacity, which is an indicator of their advanced cognitive capacity. Elephants can embody a wide range of emotions: They are known to form families, and friendships with others, they are known to mourn the deaths of their kin, and most ironically, elephants are able to express the feeling of empathy– something we clearly lack, in lieu of placing the largest land mammals on the planet in captivity.

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Zoos are unable to accommodate a number of elephants great enough to provide an environment where they can form relationships that would have otherwise formed, had they not been placed in captivity. These relationships are essential to the livelihood of the animal, and govern a large role in the way that the species develops.  Essentially, zoos ignore the species inherent cognitive ability to learn from others, and deprive them of these resources.

Moreover, when taken from the wild, it must be noted that the elephant is able to actively recognize that it is being abducted from its family, and friends.

Elephants are undoubtedly an intelligent species, but it may surprise you to realize the degree of their intelligence. A study was conducted by a researcher, Diana Reiss (and colleagues), to test the insightful nature of several elephants. They tied food to branches of bamboo trees that were out of reach for the elephants. They observed that the elephants were able to problem solve, and obtained their food through the use of tools. This is an indicator of a greater level of intelligence in comparison to other species. Below is actual footage from the study, courtesy of the Smithsonian National Zoo.

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With the blatant humanistic qualities held by these animals, its baffling to realize that their are still currently around 300 captive elephants in North America alone. However, with some degree of optimism, individuals whom are advocating for elephant freedom believe that this number will reach zero in our lifetime, that is, if we can prove our own empathetic nature.


How I Keep my Sanity in Check while being Bombarded by News every day

It is very important for scientists to not only gain knowledge on your field  but to also have some ideas on the broader spectrum of knowledge. It is also not a bad thing to be catching yourself up to date on current affairs. This is why I have made it a habit to be reading on many news sources regarding things such as science, politics, sports, gaming, tech, etc.

Reeder unread count

News I have just TODAY, at least my email inbox is cleaner than this

“But Ivan,” you might ask, “how am I suppose to catch up on all the things you have mentioned, and more? There must be hundreds of new sources out there for me to choose from, how am I supposed to know which one suits me?” Trust me, I know this first hand, there are hundreds and hundreds of articles published every single day.

What you need to do is to filter out the news sources that fit your taste and personal interest more. Here are a few of my favourites:

General News:

New York Times – An obvious choice for your everyday read

Washing Post – Another good source for general news


The Verge – Very good gateway news website, tones are in general more playful

Ars Technica – More serious in tones, but very professional


Kotaku – Features random things ranging from food to games

Giant Bomb – One of the best gaming websites for reviews

“Ivan, you can’t be serious, are you expecting me to go to all these websites every day to read on their individual articles?” No, silly! We have barely started! What you need next is a newsreader program to gather all your news sources into one place, kind of like an inbox exclusively for news

The one newsreader I prefer the most is called Feedly, a very versatile website that looks minimalistic to enhance your reading experience. As you can see below, all your news are now in one place.


A screenshot of my Feedly page, doesn’t hurt when the sidebar is in my favourite colour too.

The next step is not necessary, but I use another newsreader called Reeder which further enhances my reading experience, also it’s compatible with all my devices (Mac, iPad and iPhone). This might cost money but it is worth it if you do not prefer the style from Feedly.

Screen Shot 2016-02-08 at 9.45.58 PM

Reeder is available for iOS and OS X only

You might be saying right now, “It’s not possible to read all articles in their entirety, you liar!” And I’ll be here admit, I DON’T read all articles fully, that’s because NO ONE in one’s right mind should. What you should do instead is to skim through the title and maybe the first paragraph of each article, and if you’re interested, read it, or better yet, SAVE it for when you’re free with Pocket!

Yet another website/app to help you save things you want to read later

And that’s about it! Happy Reading!


Eccentric training – big muscles without lifting big weights?

Body-builders achieve their muscles through lifting heavy weights, right?  Although that is partially true, there is a type of training that takes advantage of a contraction that does not physically lift up weights – eccentric contraction.

As opposed to conventional concentric contractions where muscles shorten to lift up weight, eccentric contraction is the lengthening of a muscle under tension. This can be visualized by lifting a dumbbell in your hand with your arms fully contracted, then slowly allow the dumbbell to lower while maintaining tension in your arm.  Your arm muscles will still be contracting and generating force, yet it is lengthening as the force is not enough to overcome the weight of a dumbbell.

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It is shown that eccentric training causes more muscle damage than concentric training.  In terms of weight training, a workout is designed to create muscle damage in order for a muscle to repair and grow larger.  Eccentric training allows us to focus on muscle damage as opposed to just the amount of weight and the speed we are able to lift at. Eccentric contractions also allows us to generate more force with lower energy demand.  This allows  for greater strength developments for those who are more interested in lifting more weight.

How do we engage the body into eccentric training?  We can do so by emphasizing by slowing or braking opposing forces, such as weights or gravity.  An example of this would be chin-ups.  Instead of emphasizing how many chin-ups you can do, focus on the downward movement where you are lowering your body after a chin-up.  Maintain tension throughout your arms and back, and work

Pushup, example of eccentric training.  Image: Wikimedia Commons by U.S. Air Force

Pushup, example of eccentric training. Image: Wikimedia Commons by U.S. Air Force

against gravity to lower your body slowly.  Another example would be push-ups. To engage eccentric training on push-ups, focus on slowing down the downward movement where you lower your body towards the ground.



Eccentric training is used not only for weight training, but also for physiotherapy.  The natural braking movement of the muscle is naturally used to protect joints. We are able minimizing the amount of force upon joints and


Knee tendon, eccentric training is used for rehabilitation. Image: Wikimedia Commons by Tooshikafs

tendons by slowing down movements.  This is especially useful for rehabilitation, and in some studies, eccentric training programs proved better results than standard rehabilitation programs.



For those who are interested, consider adding eccentric training into your workout program.  Sometimes it’s not about how much weight you are able to lift, or how many push-ups you are able to do.  Eccentric training is an important and effective component of weightlifting.





Exoplanets, how do we detect them?

In the last few decades, our science and technology have been developed with a very high speed and the speed is increasing exponentially; it has become easier for us to search for life beyond our solar system. Since 1988, more than 2000 exoplanets have detected. So, What are exoplanets? And how do we detected them?

Exoplanets (or Extrasolar planets) are planets that locate outside the Solar system, they orbit around a star other than the Sun.

Because planets don’t emit visible lights or other electromagnetic radiations like stars, it’s more difficult for astrophysicists to detect them. To detect and confirm the existence of an exoplanet, different special methods must be used; sometimes, more than one methods need to be used at the same time.

The first method I’m going to talk about is Transit Method. This is an indirect method to detect an exoplanet by measuring the decrease in intensity of the lights coming from a star in a short period of time. The star is usually monitored, and the intensity of light emitted by star is measure constantly. As the planet orbits around the star, when it’s between the star and the Earth, it blocks some of the lights from the star and cause the brightness of the lights measured sure on the Earth decreases. After a short period when the planet moves away, the brightness of the star get back to normal. Using the change in the intensity of the lights from the star, radius of the planet can also be determined. However, using this method alone isn’t enough to confirm the presence of the planet because there are some other factors that can cause the dip in brightness of the star. One of these factors is that the star in a binary star system, and the brightness of the other star in the system makes intensity of the lights from the star dip periodically. The bellow video simulate how intensity of the star changes when there is a planet in transition between the star and the Earth.

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Therefore, Radial velocity method, which is also the most popular method, is used along with Transit method. According to Newton’s law of gravitation, all bodies in a planetary system orbit around a common centre of mass, so not only the planet orbits but the star also orbit the centre of mass. Thus the lights emitted by the star have different wavelengths when they are detected on the Earth, the change in wavelength depends on the fact that the star is moving away or forward the Earth, this phenomena is called doppler effect.

Doppler effect

By measuring the wavelength of the lights emitted by the star at different times and taken the doppler effect into account, astrophysicists can determined the speed of the star when it’s moving away or toward the Earth and also the period and radius of the orbit of the star. Then the presence of other object in the system of that star can be confirm.

There is another method and also the most interesting method, it’s Gravitational Microlensing method. To explain about this method, I’m going to start with Einstein’s general relativity. Einstein’s general relativity states that spacetime curves in the region around a large, massive object. So when lights from a distant star pass through a another star (this is our interested star), they are bent which cause the image of the star that detected by telescope to be distorted. The star acts as an gravitational lens; and if the star has a planet orbiting around it, when the planet is in some particular region near the star, it gravitational field causes the spacetime curves more, and it acts as an additional lens, therefore, the light from the distant star will be distorted more. This happens until the planet moves away from its star.

Lensing effect

In conclusion, there isn’t any particular method that can be used to confirm the presence of an exoplanet. Combinations of different methods must be use to give a reliable result.

Ryan Tran.


Future of the Solar Panels – Clear!

Solar panels on roof (Wikimedia Commons, author: Parker D)

Solar panels on roof (Wikimedia Commons, author: Parker D; cropped)

It’s, probably, hard to find a person who haven’t heard about the solar energy panels or solar batteries. Apparently, the solar market is one of the booming markets in North America, especially in the United StatesThe solar panels are used for telecommunicating and powering of many things, starting from the small households and vehicles and finishing with the giant power stations and spacecrafts. What new would we expect from the technology?

Appeared to be, there is one possible application of the technology, which is hard to achieve – a discrete integrating of the photovoltaic materials into the existing structures or the advanced technologies, like the smartphones. Here, I’m talking about the transparent solar panels. Noticeably, the majority of the solar batteries are dark coloured and solid, which allows them to harvest the maximum of the solar energy, but at the same time makes the installation possible mainly on the non-transparent surfaces. That’s why the scientists put their efforts to find a new solution for the transparent surfaces.

In the beginning, the existed technologies for the photovoltaic glass allowed the researchers to reach 60% of transparency with an efficiency of 2% . The later adoption of the perovskite semitransparent “islands” opened the new opportunities in integrating the solar panels into the transparent surfaces. However, despite the technologies above tried to solve a problem of discrete integrating, they were still not perfect due to visible distortion of the view and a low transparency rate.

Illustration from Near-infrared (NIR) harvesting transparent luminescent solar concentrators. Authors: Yimu Zhao, Garrett A. Meek, Benjamin G. Levine, Richard R. Lunt. Advanced Optical Materials Volume 2, Issue 7, pages 606–611, July 2014

At the same time, the team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) started to work on the project with a key word  “transparent” for it, because, according to Richard Lunt, MSU’s College of Engineering, No one wants to sit behind coloured glass.” By 2014 they have developed a fully transparent solar concentrator, which could be embedded in any glass surface and transform it to a power source. As for the way it works, the organic luminescent salts absorb specific non-visible wavelengths of ultraviolet and infrared light, which they transmute into another wavelength of infrared light. This light falls onto the thin plastic photovoltaic strips, which convert it into electricity. The only drawback of such technology is the efficiency, which is currently being around 1%. However, the team of researchers hopes to bring it up to 10% in the nearest future.

An interesting video from MSU (

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So, why is this invention is so important for us? Imagine to have an entire glass-covered multi-storey building as a power generator or to use your own phone/tablet as a charger! The best part is the ability to integrate such transparent panels into the existing structures without bringing any discomfort to people, such as a dimmed light or a distorted picture. That is, definitely, one of the big steps towards a brighter future!

~Alex Budkina

The causes, symptoms and treatment of Stroke

Did you know that stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in Canada?

Stroke occurs when cells do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, thus blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced. It most likely affects a person if they have a personal or family history of stroke, overweight, aged 55 or more, does not exercise much, drink heavily, or use illicit drugs. There are three main kinds of stroke: ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA).

Illustration of ischemic stroke: Wikimedia commons by National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NIH)

Illustration of ischemic stroke: Wikimedia commons by National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NIH)

Ischemic stroke is the most common kind of stroke – at least 88% of strokes occurred are this type. As you can see from the image to the left, ischemic stroke happens due to the blockage or narrowing down of arteries that connect to the brain, resulting in low blood flow to the brain. The blockage is caused by blood clots, which can form in the arteries or even further away before the blood enters the narrower part of arteries within the brain.

Illustration of hemorrhagic stroke: Wikimedia commons by National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NIH)

Illustration of hemorrhagic stroke: Wikimedia commons by National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NIH)

On the other hand, hemorrhagic stroke is less common than Ischemic stroke. Although, only 15% consists of hemorrhagic stroke, 40% of the death occurs due to this type of stroke. As you can see from the image to the right, it takes place when a blood vessel ruptures causing blood to accumulate in the tissue surrounding the rupture. Pressure on the brain is produced as a result, as well as loss of blood to certain areas.

Transient Ischemic Attack is very different from the other two types of stroke. The flow of blood to the brain is only disrupted for a short period of time. However, it is similar to Ischemic stroke due to the fact that it is often caused by blood clots. This type of stroke serves as a warning signs for future strokes, indicating that there is a partially blocked artery or clot source in heart. Over one third of the people who experience this have a major stroke within a year, and between 10-15% will have a major stroke within three months.

Some symptoms of stroke include confusion, trouble with speaking and understanding, headache, possibly with altered consciousness or vomiting, numbness of the face, arm or leg at one side of the body, trouble with seeing in one or both eyes, trouble with walking, dizziness and lack of coordination.

When should you see the doctor? An easy way to tell if a person has any of the signs or symptoms of a stroke is by remembering the acronym FAST:

F – face drooping

A – arm weakness

S -speech difficulty

T- time to call 911

Call 911 or your local emergency number immediately as soon as you feel the symptoms. Every minute counts, as the potential for brain damage increases, the longer you wait.

Stroke must be treated within 4.5 hours after the events start. There are different types of treatment for each type of stroke. If you are having an ischemic stroke, a drug called tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) is given to break up the blood clot. Aspirin or other blood thinners are also given to the patient before surgery.

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-Shayini Kanageswaran

Energy Drink Commercial: Minimizing the Bad and Maximizing the Good

There is currently a huge market for energy drinks in which young teens and adults consume them on a regular basis. In particular, the five-hour energy shot, having zero sugar content and only four calories, certainly stand out amongst the crowd. However, does this product really cure tiredness and give us energy and nutrition with no side effects? Are the advertisements conveying all the necessary information for viewers to make an informed decision?

In this commercial, there are some misleading and hidden messages in the claims of the product. For instance, a side effect of caffeine is crashing. Nonetheless, the bottle says “no crash!” To resolve this confusion, users need to pay attention to the flashing fine prints that are significantly less noticeable during the commercial. One of which says, “no crash means no sugar crash.”

a snapshot from the YouTube commercial

The use of fine print and repetition in the commercial might not be enough for a client to make an informed decision. Technically, the company did not lie. During the commercial, they did display and mention all the necessary information. However, the way they aggressively minimized the negative factors, and amplified the positive factors are truly misleading. It is really up to the users to interpret the information given, and use their existing knowledge to be informed about the product.

Furthermore, the nutrients added in the five-hour energy drink such as vitamin B6 and B12 do not have any values in boosting energy. It is the caffeine added in it that is giving the feeling of alertness. Vitamin B6 has functions in neurotransmitter, histamine, and hemoglobin synthesis as well as in metabolism and gene expression. On the other hand, vitamin B12 serves the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. Although both are essential in the human body, none of them attribute to increasing energy. By associating these nutrients with an energy drink, the advertiser again left an open-ended scenario for the viewers to interpret. Most often, people would assume the causal relationship between vitamins and energy-level improvement.


five-hour energy drink via flickr

The commercial and product emphasize the positive effects of the energy drink but fail to point out any risks. Aside from developing tolerance and physical dependence on caffeine, cardiovascular, psychological, digestive and other symptoms can develop with long-term use. Cardiovascular symptoms include: high blood pressure and arrhythmia. Psychological issues include: anxiety and nervousness. It can also lead to increased urination, loss of water-soluble nutrients, and dehydration. Other adverse effects include nausea, restlessness, drowsiness, and insomnia.

Overall, users should take the time to do research on any information given before using a product. We shall always seek for scientific evidence that have been supported by experts in the field, peer-reviewed and supported with raw data before believing anything. We should also use our existing knowledge to interpret information.

-Brigette Wee

Zika virus, the next big pandemic?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the media about the new disease, Zika. Words seen in association with Zika tend to be “deformed brain in babies”, “mosquitos”, “south America” and “pregnant women”. But how does this all connect and with illness causing symptoms that seem very mild why is it becoming such a big deal recently?

Transmission & Symptoms

Zika virus is transmitted through mosquitos that are active during the day time. Specifically, the type of mosquitos that carry the disease are the Aedes genus of mosquitos that are known to carry other viruses such as dengue. The mosquito gets infected with the virus from biting an infected person and begins to spread the disease. Other methods of transmission include from mother to child during pregnancy, and through sexual contact.

mosquito in genus Aedes- transmitter or Zika virus

Mosquito in genus Aedes– transmitter of Zika virus. Image from wikipedia

When a person gets infected with the virus, he or she may show symptoms such as fever, joint pain, rash or redness of the eyes. Other common symptoms include headache and muscle pain, but most people show no symptoms at all. Studies show that only 1 in 5 people infected with Zika virus will become ill so it is very hard to prevent the spread of disease since it is likely that infected people will not seek medical attention.

So why is this such a big problem?

With such mild symptoms and cases rarely resulting in deaths, why is this illness becoming such a big deal? To most people it may not be a big concern but the threat it poses on pregnant woman is worrisome. Although not proven, Zika is thought to be linked to a birth defect called microcephaly, which is when the infant is born with an unusually small head. This irregular development leads to problems after birth such as seizure, developmental delay and even death. Brazil previously reported 150 cases per year but since October 2015 to January 2016, there has been a dramatic increase in microcephaly reported. An alarming number of 4,000 cases just in those 4 months.

baby with microcephaly (left) compared to typical baby head size. Image from wikipedia

Baby with microcephaly (left) compared to typical baby head size. Image from wikipedia

What now?

To prevent this virus from spreading further, WHO has declared Zika virus a Global Health Emergency. This means that resources will be put into more research for vaccine against this virus, for prevention of infections especially for pregnant women and for mosquito control to stop the virus from spreading. In addition, people should exercise caution when travelling to the countries where Zika has been reported by wearing long sleeves and pants outside. Also women who are pregnant or are considering getting pregnant sometime in the near future should postpone their travel to South America since no vaccine has been discovered. With the Brazil Olympics coming up, WHO estimates that up to four million cases of Zika virus are to be expected by the end of this year and there is a high chance that transmission could be happening in the Unites States very soon.

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video by World Health Organization

Alana Lee