This is it! Well sort of…

590 represents my 9th course out of 10 for MET.  Somehow, the Master Gods looked kindly on me and I was able to secure a spot in the VR Summer Institute course this summer– this will mean that my 10th course will be completed near the end of my final project.  All is good.  I am really looking forward to learning on campus for a week!

Anyway, we just started week three today, and I feel like I am lost in space.

I don’t have a metaphor and I am not happy about it.

One of the first decisions that needs to be made for the capstone project is to create a learning metaphor that your e-portfolio revolves around.

If you have spent a week in my classroom, you would think that this task would be in my wheelhouse fo shizzle! I am the QUEEN of math and learning metaphors.  Sure… some may miss the mark but hardly a day goes by where I don’t use one or more in a lesson or conversation.  I even managed to use an epidural as a metaphor once.  An epidural.   I suppose you had to be there….

Here is the thing… I have poured myself into this degree. I am not saying that I am the Master of all Masters but what I am saying is that I have put in a heap of effort. I have evolved considerably because of this and for that I need a metaphor that truly reflects this.

Is there such a thing as the perfect metaphor? Is this a Holy Grail quest to even look for one?

Because I can’t think of a metaphor that doesn’t seem cliche or that doesn’t seem appropriate, I just want to avoid the issue and not have one.  Probably not a good idea… the instructions clearly say, “USE A METAPHOR OR DON’T BOTHER DOING THIS.”  … or something along those lines.

Here is a thought… Could I choose a metaphor that is left-field?  If I can’t find the perfect metaphor, I could at least go for a laugh.  Probably not the best idea, but it would be consistent with my posts over the 3+ years I’ve been at this.

How about this…. 

My Masters Love of My Life?

Does he like me? (Will they accept my application?)

He asked me out! (Got in!!!)

Honeymoon stage (ETEC 500)

Moving-in (Core Courses)

Getting Married (Electives begin)

I Want a Divorce (ETEC 533)

Separation (summers off)

I Still Love You (ETEC 521)

Separate Bedrooms (ETEC 522)

Vow Renewal (ETEC 590)

Fun on the Side (Summer Institute Virtual Realty)

Any thoughts?????


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