
Harmony in Discord

2006 Beijing University International Symposium

“Harmony in Discord: Buddhism as a Means of Integration across Cultures”

Co-hosted by the religious Department, Beijing University
and Department of Asian Studies, University of British Columbia

November 23-27, 2006

Conference Program

Nov. 23, 2006 International participants register and lodge in Bldg 7, Shaoyuan
Breakfast: 7: 00-8: 30(Bldg. 2, Shaoyuan)

Nov. 24, 2006 Morning
8: 30-9: 00 Domestic participants register and take the conference material

9: 00-10: 30 Opening Ceremony
Location: the multifunction room, the “Centenary Hall” of Beijing University

The host introduces honored guests and delegates
Addresses made by:
Zhao Dunhua, Head, Philosophy Department, Beijing University Address
Fang Litian, Head, Institute of Study of Religious Theory, Renmin
University of China
Yang Zengwen, Institute of Religion, Chinese Academy of Social Science
Hubert Durt, Professor Emeritus, École française d’Extrême-Orient
Leader, State Administration for Religious Affairs of P.R.C
Xuecheng, Vice director and Secretary-general, The Buddhist Association of
Gary Ho, Director, Tzu-chi Canada
10: 30-10: 45 Taking group photograph
10: 45-11: 00 Break

11: 00-12: 00 Feature Report
Koichi SHINOHARA (Yale), Borders and Border Crossing in East Asian Buddhist Historiography
Yao Weiqun (Beijing University), “Fojiao yu xiandai shehui de hexie fazhan” (Buddhism and Harmonious Development of Modern Society)

12: 00-2: 00 Lunch(the third floor, Longyuan)

Nov. 24 Afternoon (fifteen minute for each presentation; thirty minutes for discussion)
Location: Rm201, Bldg C, Compound of Institute of the International Relationship

Panel A 2: 00-3: 45 Chair: Yao Weiqun
From the Continent of Elephant to the Land of Dragon: Buddhism from India to China
Huang Xinchuan (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), “Lishi shang de zhongyin zongjiaoguanxi” (The religious relationship between China and India in History)
Wang Bangwei (Beijing University), “‘Zhongguo’ haishi ‘biandi’: Daoxuan dui ‘shijie geju’ de renshi he taolun” (“Central Country” or “Border Area”: Relocating China on Ancient World Map)
Phyllis Granoff (Yale), The Life of the Buddha: A Modern Journey
Hubert Durt (Ecole Francaise d’Extreme Orient), Maya in Buddhist art and in the Buddhist legend
Tansen Sen (University of New York), Buddhism and Sino-Indian Interactions during the Yuan Period

3: 45-4: 00 Break

Panel B 4: 00-5: 30 Chair: Wang Bangwei
Sinification of Buddhism: In-depth Studies
Cheng Gongrang (Capital Normal University), “‘Weimojie Jing· ru buer famen pin’fanben xinyi jiqi xiangguan wenti de yanjiu” (A New Translation of the “Dharma-Door of Non-duality” Chapter from a Sanskrit Vimalakīrti Sutra and its Related Issues)
Sheng Kai (Qinghua University), “Aliyie shi yu rulai zhang—yi ‘jie’ wei zhongxin de butong quanshi” (The ālaya vijñāna [store consciousness] and the tathāgata garbha [Buddha treasury]: Different Interpretation Centered ondhātu [realm])
Charles Willemen (Ghent University, Belgium), The Sanskrit Title of Harivarman’s Chengshi Lun
Zhang Zhiqiang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), “Fojiao xiandai xing de butong lujing yu xiandai zhongguo de gouzhao—shilun jindai zhongguo fojiao de liangtiao daolu” (On Two Paths of Buddhist Modernization and its Connection with Issues of Modernity in Chinese Culture—a review on Ouyang Jingwu’s and Taixu’s religious theories and practices from the perspective of sociology of religion)

6: 00-8: 00 Dinner(Bldg. 7, Shaoyuan)

Nov. 25 Morning
Location: Rm201, Bldg C, Compound of Institute of the International Relationship

Panel C 8: 30-10: 15 Chair: James Robson
“Center” and “Margins”: Transmission of Buddhism in East Asia I
Minghai (Abbot of the Balin Monastery), “Guanyu chan zai dangdai zhongguo fuxing de sikao” (Considerations about Chan’s Revival in Contemporary China)
Robert H. Sharf (Berkeley), Early Chan Gongan Literature
Albert Welter (Univ. of Winnipeg), Strange Brew: The Fictional Background to Chan Yulu Encounter Dialogues
John R. McRae (Indiana University), State Formation and Buddhism in East Asian History: A Macro-regional Approach
John Kieschnick (Bristol University, UK), Recent Discussion of Sinification in Scholarship on Buddhism

10: 15-10: 30 Break

Panel D 10: 30-12: 00 Chair: Wen Jinyu
Buddhism and the Harmony in Modern Society
Wei Daoru (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), “Fojiao zai goujian hexie shijiezhong de youshi ziyuan” (Advantages of Buddhism in the Construction of a Harmonious World)
Huang Xianian (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), “Fojiao zai goujian hexie shehui zhong de zhuoyong” (Functions of Buddhism in the Construction of a Harmonious Society)
Gary Ho (Tzu-chi Canada), “Shijian sanzhong hexie de ciji jingyan” (The Tzuchi experience of practicing three kinds of harmony)
Zhou Guihua (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), “Dachen fojiao yu hexie linian” (Buddhism and the Ideal of Harmony)

12: 00-2: 00 Lunch (Bldg 7, Shaoyuan)

Nov. 25 Afternoon
Location: Rm201, Bldg C, Compound of Institute of the International Relationship

Panel E 2: 00-3: 45 Chair: Tansen Sen
Buddhism’s Theories on Harmony
Xu Wenming (Beijing Normal University), “Zhongdao yu hexie” (The Middle Way and Harmony)
Zhou Xuenong (Beijing University), “Fojiao benwei de hexie guan: Lüetan mouzi “Lihuolun’ zhong de sanjiao guanxie” (Opinions of Harmony Based on the Standard of Buddhism—a brief discussion over the relationship of the three teachings in the Lihuo lun (Discourse of solving puzzles) by Master Mou)
Xiao Limin (Director, Institute of Wutaishan Culture), “Wenshu zhihui de xiandai jiazhi he yonghen qishi” (The Modern Value and Eternal Inspiration of the Wisdom of Mañjuśrī)
Mimi Yiengpruksawan (Yale), “On the Hybrid Nature of the Amitābha Hall at Byōdōin”
James Robson (University of Michigan), “Searching for a Better Return: the Background and Development of the Practices of “Preparatory Cultivation” [nixiu yuxiu] and the Economy of Salvation in Eastern Asian Buddhism.”

3: 45-4: 00 Break

Panel F 4: 00-5: 30 Chair: John Kieschnick
“Center” and “Margins”: Transmission of Buddhism in East Asia II
Wen Jinyu (People’s University of China), “ ‘Shuifang pini’ yu shehui de hexie hudong” yi yindu, Zhongguo he Reben jielü guande yanbian wei zhongxin” (“Keeping Vinaya According to the Surroundings” and the Harmonious Interaction of Society–centering on the transformation of attitudes towards precepts in India, China, and Japan)
Paul Groner (University of Virginia), Chinese Influences on Medieval Tendai Views of the Precepts
Chen Jinhua (UBC), Formation of the Tendai Esoteric Buddhism in the Context of “International” Buddhism
Li Silong (Beijing University), “Lüelun Tiantai Zhizhe de ‘mijiao’ sixiang” (A Brief Discussion on Thoughts of the “Esoteric Teaching” of Zhizhe at Mt. Tiantai)

5: 30-5: 45 The closing ceremony
Prof. Lou Yulie (Beijing University) addresses the closing speech

6: 00-8: 00 Banquet

Nov. 26
7: 30 Leave for Bailin Chan monastery at Bldg. 7, Shaoyuan
Noon Lunch at the Bailin Chan Monastery
Afternoon Visit the stone hall at Mt. Xiangtang, Handan
Night Lodge in Handan

Nov. 27
Morning Continue visiting the stone hall at Mt. Xiangtang Visit the Zhengding Monastery on the returning way
Afternoon Back to Beijing, airport or Peking University