The Third International Conference On the Wutai Cult 第三屆《五臺山信仰》國際學術研討會 (August 8-11, 2017)

Mount Clear and Cool and the Buddhāvatasaka Sūtra:

Multidisciplinary, Inter-cultural, and Interreligious Studies of the Mañjuśrī Cult, Mount Wutai, and the Buddhāvatasaka Sūtra




Primary Sponsor 主辦方:           The Wutai International Institute of Buddhism and East Asian Cultures         

                                                    (佛教和東亞文化) 五臺山國際研究所

Secondary Sponsors 協辦方:    King’s College, University of London 倫敦大學國王學院

                                                  UBC Buddhist Studies Forum 英屬哥倫比亞大學佛學論壇 

Host 承辦方:                              Great Sage Monastery of Bamboo Grove 大聖竹林寺

Venue 地點:                               Great Sage Monastery of Bamboo Grove, Mount Wutai, Xinzhou, Shanxi


Dates 時間:                                August 8-10, 2017 (conference), August 11 (tour), 2017

The chapters on Where Bodhisattvas Dwell 菩薩住處品 in both the sixty- and eighty-roll Chinese translations of the Buddhāvatasaka-sūtra (Huayan jing 華嚴經, T. nos. 278-279) divulge that the Mahāyāna bodhisattva of wisdom, Mañjuśrī, resides on a mountain in the northeast called Mount Clear and Cool. Reading Mount Wutai, located in central China, as Mount Clear and Cool seems, therefore, to be inextricably tied to this scripture, narratives of its likely composition in Khotanese Sanskrit and subsequent translation into Chinese, Tibetan, and eventually Tangut and Mongolian, reception by political leaders, religious specialists, and devotees from Central and East Asia, and depiction at sacred spaces—including cave 61 of the Mogao caves near Dunhuang—across the region. 根據漢譯《華嚴經》(T. nos. 278-279) 的六十卷本及八十卷本的《菩薩住處品》所說,大智文殊師利菩薩居住在東北方一處叫做“清涼山”的地方。將地處中國中部的五臺山解讀為清涼山,這與該經典的相關描述密不可分的。經典起初可能是以于闐式的梵文創作,之後被翻譯成漢文、藏文、以及西夏語和蒙古語;其中關於“清涼山”的敘述得到了從中亞到東亞的政治統治者、宗教學者和信徒的廣泛認可;并在這一地區的各處宗教聖地以圖像藝術的形式被展現出來,例如敦煌莫高窟61號窟。

This conference explores trans-cultural, multi-ethnic, and cross-regional contexts and connections between the Buddhāvatasaka-sūtra, Mount Wutai/Clear and Cool, and veneration of Mañjuśrī that contributed to the establishment and successive transformations of the cult centered on Mount Wutai—or reduplications elsewhere. 本研討會是在跨文化、多民族和跨地域的脈絡中,探討《大方廣佛華嚴經》、五臺山/清涼山和文殊信仰之間的聯繫;三者的互動促成了以五臺山為中心的宗教信仰的建立和變遷,以及其在他地區的複製。

Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to本研討會包括但不限於以下主題:

  • Wutaishan’s/Qingliangshan’s status as a site linked to the Buddhāvatasaka-sūtra in Asia五臺山/清涼山作為在亞洲 与《大方廣佛華嚴經》相聯的場域的地位;
  • Studies of Buddhist literature, rituals, performances, and sacred spaces with links to the Buddhāvatasaka-sūtra or related texts (printed texts and manuscripts) 與《大方廣佛華嚴經》或相關文本(印刷本或寫本)相关的佛教文獻、佛教儀軌、佛教活動和神聖空間等研究;
  • Various patterns of interactions between different religious traditions and the narratives of Wutaishan/Qingliangshan 不同宗教傳統和五臺山/清涼山敘事的之間的各種互動形式;
  • Presence of and interactions between different Buddhist traditions (Chan, Tiantai, Pure-land, Vinaya, Esotericism, Tibetan Buddhism, etc) with the Buddhāvatasaka-sūtra and Wutaishan/Qingliangshan佛教各宗派(禪宗,天台宗,淨土宗,律宗,密教,以及藏傳佛教)之間的互動與《大方廣佛華嚴經》及五臺山/清涼山;
  • Political and military uses of Wutaishan/Qingliangshan and scriptures or manuscripts by competing powers in East Asia (the international rivalry revolving around Wutaishan/Qingliangshan, intensified by its location as a frontier territory for several major forces in Central and East Asia) 東亞地區的群雄爭逐下對五臺山/清涼山以及相關典籍的政治和軍事利用(五臺山/清涼山地處中亞與東亞各方勢力的交界點,圍繞此地的國際競爭因之愈發劇烈);
  • Imagination and perceptions of Wutaishan/Qingliangshan and related scriptures and manuscripts in East Asian countries and regions beyond China中國以及東亞各地區中对五臺山/清涼山和相關文獻的認知與想象;
  • Wutaishan/Qingliangshan as the model after which sacred spaces (including sacred mountains, temples, and shrines) mentioned in scriptures or religious literature were “cloned” in the rest of Asia (Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and Central Asia) 五臺山/清涼山為神聖空間的建構提供了一個模式,佛教經典以及文學中所提到的其他神聖空間(包括聖山、寺院、神廟)由之被克隆到亞洲其他地區(韓國、日本、越南和中亞);
  • Wutaishan/Qingliangshan and/or the Buddhāvatasaka-sūtra as the source of inspiration for different forms of literature and arts in Asia五臺山/清涼山和《大方廣佛華嚴經》在亞洲成為啟發各類文學和藝術作品的源泉;
  • Wutaishan/Qingliangshan, the Buddhāvatasaka-sūtra, or related scriptures or religious literature as a source of revelations for religious traditions, both Buddhist and non-Buddhist以五臺山/清涼山、《大方廣佛華嚴經》及相關宗教文獻作為佛教內外各宗教傳統的啟示源泉.

The organizing committee welcomes paper proposals related to any aspect(s) of the multidisciplinary, inter-cultural, and interreligious connections between Mount Wutai/Clear and Cool and the Buddhāvatasaka-sūtra and the cult centered on Mañjuśrī or the Buddhāvatasaka-sūtra. Interested scholars are invited to email  proposals and cvs to by March 1, 2017. All conference-related costs, including, local transportation, meals and accommodation during the conference period, will be covered by the conference organizers, who—depending on availability of funding—may also provide a modest travel subsidy to selected panelists who are in need of funding. This conference is planned as a continuation of two conferences on the Wutai cult that were held last two summers at Mount Wutai.  五臺山/清涼山與華嚴經以及圍繞文殊或華嚴經的關聯是多學科,跨文化與跨宗教的。討論這些關連方方面面的論文,組委會都至誠歡迎。有興趣的學者請在2017年3月1日前論文摘要聯同簡歷電郵至。與會的相關費用,包括會議期間的食宿費用,將由會議組織方承擔。會議組織方也將視資金的寬裕度,為部分有需要的與會成員提供部分旅費津貼。本次研討會是去年與前年夏天在五臺山舉辦的兩次會議的延續。前兩會的詳情請參見:



Our goal is to bring 15-18 international scholars to the conference, who will be joined by an equal number of China-based scholars working on the Buddhāvatasaka cult. Similar to the last two Wutai conferences, the conference this year will generate two conference proceedings: one in English and the other in Chinese. The English volume will collect all the papers in English, plus the English translations of several papers written in non-English languages; the Chinese volume, to be published in China, will include the Chinese versions for all non-Chinese papers in addition to those papers contributed by our colleagues based in China. Only scholars who are confident in finishing their draft papers by the middle of July and publishable papers by the end of 2017 are encouraged to apply.  我們目標是匯集15-18名國際學者,與同樣數量的中國學者一道探討《華嚴經》崇拜。與上兩次會議一樣,今年的會議也會出版一英一中兩卷論文集。英文卷收錄用英文著述的論文,也包括數篇非英文論文的英譯;中文卷將在中國出版,除了中文論文,還將收入所有非中文論文的漢譯。7月中前有把握完成論文初稿,并在今年(2017)底前完成够出版水平論文的學者,歡迎申請與會。


This conference is planned as part of our annual Intensive Program of Lectures Series, Conference/Forum, and Fieldwork on Buddhism and East Asian Cultures. Interested graduate student and post-doctoral fellows are welcomed to apply for the whole program (details to be announced separately).  The intensive program itself is a component of an international and interdisciplinary program on Buddhism and East Asian religions (From the Ground Up) sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) ( 本次研討會是我們每年的佛學與東亞文化密集研修班 (包括系列講學、會議、論壇、田野調查)一個組成部分 (今年研修班的詳情另行宣布)。 研修班則隸屬於加拿大社會科學與人文科學研究委員會(SSHRC)所贊助的佛學與東亞宗教國際聯合研究項目 (《拔地入雲, 造端倡始》) ( 。