
Vinaya Texts and Transmission History

International Conference

Vinaya Texts and Transmission History:
New Perspectives and Methods

戒律的文獻與傳播歷史: 新視野與新方法

August 21-22, 2013

Research Center for Buddhist Texts and Arts, Peking University

(Venue 場所: Dharma HAll 法堂, Yongfu Temple 永福寺)

Day One August 21, 2013

9:00am-9:10am: Opening Remarks (Zhanru)
9:10am-9:20am: Welcome Remarks (Master Yuezhen 月真, Abbot, the Yongfu Temple 永福寺)
9:20am-9:30am: Photo Taking
9:30am-10:00am Keynote Speech 1
(Chair: Zhanru) Bangwei Wang 王邦維:
“Faxian and the Vinaya texts: The meaning
to Indian and Chinese Buddhism”
Panel 1 Chair: Wang; Discussant: Kieschnick (Stanford)
Vinaya Practices
1.1 Douglas Gildow (Princeton): “The Cultural Ontology of the Chinese Buddhist Monastic”;
1.2. Zhanru 湛如 (Peking University): “Chanyuan Qinggui zhong de Tupi Zangfa Kaocha”《禅苑清规》中的“荼毗葬法”考察 (An Investigation of the Method of Jhāpita [Cremation] as Stipulated in the Chanyuan Qinggui);
1.3. Brenton T. Sullivan (University of British Columbia): “Discipline in ‘Mega Monasteries’”
1.4. Nicholas Witkowski (Stanford): “Pāṃśukūlika as a Standard Practice in the Vinaya”;

12:15pm-2:00pm Lunch Break

Panel 2 Chair: J. Ibuki; Discussant: Chung
Vinaya for Special Religious Groups: Novices, bhikkhunī, and Monastic Lawyers/Rebels
2.1. Ulrich Pagel (SOAS, London University): “The Group of Six (Ṣaḍvarghika): Monastic Lawyers or Rebel Monks?”;
2.2. Cuilan Liu 劉翠蘭 (Harvard): “Interpreting Novice Precepts: Historical Survey of the Literary Tradition on Novice Rules in Tibet”;
2.3. Louis Gabaude (Ecole francaise d’Extreme-Orient): “Vinayas and the feminist debate about a new bhikkhunī order in Theravāda context.”

3:50pm-4:00pm Tea/coffee break

Panel 3 chair: M Chen; Discussant: Schlütter
Vinaya in Dealing with Extraordinary Situations:
Transgressions, Samgha-leaving, and Secular World
3.1. Sasaki Shizuka 佐々木 閑 (Hanazono University 花園大学): “An Analytical Study of the Bhikṣu Pārājika Rules”;
3.2. Eric Greene (Bristol University): “Vinaya rituals for the rehabilitation of pārājika transgressions in fifth-century Chinese Buddhism”;
3.3. Jingjing Zhu朱鏡靜 (University of the West): “From Monastic Code to Government Law—- A Study on Nuns’ Ordination in Early Medieval Chinese Buddhism”

6:30pm-8:00pm Dinner

Day Two August 22, 2013

Panel 4 chair: Gabaude; Discussant: Greene
Vinaya Texts
4.1. Toshinori Ochiai 落合俊典 (國際佛教学大学): Shutsu yōritsu gi no senja ni tsuite『出要律儀』の撰者について(On the Author of Shutsu Yōritsu Gi)
4.2. Ming Chen 陳明 (Peking University): “Yijing de lvdian fanyi yu liuchuan: Yi chutu wenxian wei zhongxin” 義浄的律典翻譯與流傳:以出土文獻為中心 (Translation and Transmission: A Study of Vinaya Texts Translated by Yijing 義淨 [635-713], with a Focus on Manuscripts Unearthed from Dunhuang and the Western Regions);
4.3. Jin-il Chung (Gottingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities): “Sanskrit Fragments from Eastern Turkestan (Xinjiang) Corresponding to the Śaikṣadharma Section of the Shisong-lü: Pelliot Sanscrit Rouge 10.1–6, Bibliothèque nationale de France”;
4.4. Limei Chi 池麗梅 (Tsurumi University 鶴見大學): “Shūkyō jissen toshite no shōshin wa kairitsu ni ihansuru no ka?: Zoku kōsō den Sōgai den kara ukagaeru chūgoku ni okeru bukkyō juyō no ichi danmen”宗教実践としての「焼身」は戒律に違反するのか?――『続高僧伝』「僧崖伝」から窺える中国における仏教受容の一断面―― (Vinaya vs. Scrpitural model Practices: The Interpretation and Justification of Auto-cremation by Daoxuan道宣[596-667])
4.5. Mario Poceski (University of Florida): “The Development of Monastic Codes in Medieval Chinese Buddhism.”

12:00pm-2:00pm Lunch Break
Panel 5 chair: Groner; Discussant: Poceski)
Vinaya and Beyond: Vinaya in interaction with Chan, Tendai and Shingon Buddhism
5.1. PEI­YING LIN (Oxford): The Evolution of Formless Precepts in Early Chan Tradition: A Doctrinal and Historical Survey from the Fifth to Eighth Centuries;
5.2. Morten Schlütter (The University of Iowa): “The Evolution of the Formless Precepts in the Platform Sūtra”;
5.3. Ibuki Atsushi 伊吹敦 (東洋大學): “Kairitsu to zenshū: Shojōkai to bosatsukai, toshi bukkyō to sanrin bukkyō, kokka to shūkyō” 戒律と禪宗──小乘戒と菩薩戒、都市佛教と山林佛教、國家と宗教 (Vinaya and Chan School: Vinaya vs. Bodhisattva Precepts, Urban Buddhism vs. Mountain Buddhism, State vs. religion);
5.4. Jinhua Chen 陳金華 (University of British Columbia): “A Rediscovered Page in the Sui-Tang Vinaya History: The Vinaya Tradition at the Twin Chanding Monasteries”;
5.5. Paul Groner (University of Virginia): “Japanese Tendai Views of the Precepts”
5:00pm-5:10pm Tea/coffee break

Keynote Speech 2 Sasaki Shizuka 佐々木 閑
(chair: J. Chen) “The Significance of Vinaya Study”
Final Discussion/Concluding Remarks (chair: J. Chen)

6:30pm-8:00pm Dinner