「人間佛教的理論與實踐──印順法師的佛學思想與落實」 學術研討會
November 12-14, 2004
Conference Program
8:30-9:00 報到
9:00-9:30 致歡迎辭
Professor Pittman (英屬哥倫比亞大學)
09:30—10:00 The “Buddhist Emperor” Liang Wudi’s (r. 502-49) and the Buddhist Chapel within his Imperial Park
(Jinhua Chen, University of British Columbia)
10:00—10:30 Inscriptions for Nuns at Baoshan
(Wendi L. Adamek, Columbia University)
10:30-10:50 休息(茶點)
10:50-11:20 Buddhist Laymen and Tea during the Tang dynasty
(James A. Benn, Arizona State University)
11:20-12:00 評論與討論
12:00—1:30 午餐
1:30—2:00 International Travel and the Lay Buddhist Movement in Twentieth Century Japan:
The Case of Kawaguchi Ekai
(Richard M Jaffe, Duke University)
2:00—2:30 Tachibana no Someko (1667-1705): A Lay Woman who practiced Zen in the Eido Period
(Fumihiko SUEKI, University of Tokyo)
2:30—3:00 休息(茶點)
3:00—3:30 美國曹洞禪宗修行的實況調查
(John McRae, Indiana University)
3:30–4:30 評論與討論
6:00—7:00 晚餐
9:00—9:30 僧人、居士與大乘經典
9:30—10:00 印順法師的人間佛教與密教批判
10:00—10:30 Yinshun’s “Humanized Buddhism” (Renjian fojiao) and His Critique of Xiong Shili’s New Consciousness-
only Doctrine
(Scott Hurley, Luther College, USA)
11:00—12:00 評論與討論
12:00—1:30 午餐
1:30—2:00 “人間佛教”之歷史性意義
2:00—2:30 吕澂与人间佛教
2:30—3:00 從世俗佛教到人間佛教,變化中的不變追求:平等理念
3:00—3:30 休息(茶點)
3:30–4:30 評論與討論
6:00—7:00 晚餐
9:00—9:30 Yinshun’s Contribution to Chinese Buddhism
(Marcus Bingenheimer, 中華佛學院)
9:30—10:00 印老的“依機設教”思想述評
10:00—10:30 問學成佛—領導戰後台灣佛教讀書風潮的印順導師
10:30—11:00 休息(茶點)
11:00—12:00 評論與討論
12:00—1:30 午餐
1:30—2:00 Some Sociological reflections on the “Anthropocentric Buddhism”: Religious and cultural
meanings of Tzu-Chi Association in the evolution of the “Anthropocentric Buddhism”
(Jen-Chieh Ting, Inst. of Ethnology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
2:00—2:30 The Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Movement in Taiwan and its Mission of Education
(C. Julia Huang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan)
2:30—3:00 How “engaged Buddhism” is actualized—An application of practice theory on the university students
at Tzuchi
(Mutsu Hsu & Yunchi Ho, Tzuchi University, Taiwan)
3:00—3:20 休息(茶點)
3:20—3:50 Engaged Buddhism in Taiwan and its Contributions to Civil
Society: A Preliminary Analysis
(David Schak, Griffith University, Australia)
3:50—4:50 評論與討論
4:50—5:00 閉幕典禮
6:00—8:00 感恩餐會