Assignment 1:3 Definition- Hydrocephalus


Assignment 1:3 consists of each student choosing a technical term and writing three definitions of that term: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition. Each student must post their definitions on their appropriate writing team forum. It is expected that students choose a term within their field of study, this allows the diversity of terms that may be new to some people. For this assignment, I chose to define Hydrocephalus. Below, you can review my definitions of hydrocephalus in a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expected definition with a visual format.

Parenthetical definition:

The young boy was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus (fluid in the brain).

Sentence definition:

Hydrocephalus is a medical condition where fluid accumulates in the brain, seen primarily in young children. The condition occurs after birth.

Expanded definition:


What is Hydrocephalus?

Hydrocephalus is a medical condition that can otherwise be referred to as water in the brain. Hydrocephalus occurs when cerebrospinal fluid accumulates in the ventricles or cavities of the brain. If severe enough, it can cause enlargement of the head resulting in brain damage. Hydrocephalus is caused by an obstruction of the brain cavities that prevents cerebrospinal fluid drainage.


The medical Latin word hydrocephalus is derived from the Greek word hudrokephalon. Breaking the words down; Greek word hudro means “water” and Kephalē means “head”.


Hydrocephalus was first described by early medieval Arabian physicians. At the time of the first diagnosis, Arabian physicians assumed the disease was caused by the accumulation of water in the brain. It wasn’t until the 10th century that Abulkassim Al Zahrawi was able to describe in detail how the drainage of the intracranial fluid was to occur. In the 18th century, Robert Whytt was the first to describe hydrocephalus as a disease. Then in 1952, Nulsen and Spitz created a ventriculojugular shunt with a spring and ball valve that was used to drain the access fluid in the brain. After the 1980s biomedical and neurosurgical techniques continued developing which led to new advances in treatment and diagnosis of hydrocephalus.


What Does Hydrocephalus Look Like?

Figure 1. A diagram of a one-year-old diagnosed with Hydrocephalus on the right compared to a one-year-old with no Hydrocephalus on the left. The photo on the right shows the blockage of the ventricles and the increased pressure causing swelling of the brain (Piatt, 2019).



Aschoff, A., Kremer, P., Hashemi, B., & Kunze, S. (1999). The scientific history of hydrocephalus and its treatment. Neurosurgical Review 22, 67–93.

Lifshutz, J. I., & Johnson, W. D. (2001). History of hydrocephalus and its treatments. Neurosurgical Focus, 11(2), 1-5.

Piatt., H. Joseph. (2019, September). Hydrocephalus. KidsHealth.

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