To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From: Zachary Goldman, Student
Date: June 20th, 2020
Subject: Formal Report Proposal: Reassessing Access to Equipment and Labs for Applied Coursework at UBC during Covid-19
As requested, a formal report proposal has been posted to The Glam Fam Team Forum and an attachment to the proposal can be found attached to this memo. The contents of the proposal address the following areas:
- An introduction to the issue of accessing university equipment
- Statement of the problem regarding access to equipment for students
- Proposed solutions for the problem of access
- The scope of the inquiry
- The methods for the Report
- My qualifications for authoring this report
- A conclusion summarizing the issues discussed
Thank you for taking the time to look over this formal report proposal.
Reassessing Access to Equipment and Labs for Applied Coursework at UBC during Covid-19
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