LinkedIn Peer Review for Christina Hruby

To: Christina Hruby, Scribes Writing Team Member

From: Eva Ruiz, Scribes Writing Team Member

Date: July 8, 2020 

Subject: LinkedIn Peer Review 


Thank you for completing this assignment with such timeliness and attention to detail. This was a great example of a professional LinkedIn profile. 

First Impressions

This profile has completed all components with professional tone and language. It targets the field of dentistry, as is appropriate, and can be seen in the language of the summary and the breadth of experience in the field. 

Profile Photo

The profile photo captured her face, was well centered, and focused. The attire was undoubtedly professional, which makes it an excellent choice for this platform. 


The headline concisely communicates her position and place of work. 


The summary highlighted specific skills of being a dental hygienist as well as communication skills developed over years of experience. It showcased her interest in the evolving field of density and various accomplished side projects. The objective showcased her current work as a full time student and employee. Each aspect of the summary was present and filled to an appropriate length.

Work Experience

Work experience was presented in a chronological fashion, which appeared appropriate as all work is relevant to her field. The only part that is left blank is the description of the position below each work experience. This is something to consider filling out as it can help employers understand the type of work.

Volunteer Experience

This area is appropriately left blank as many of the experiences are filled by the 20 years of work experience.


This profile seems to have satisfactory engagement with a good number of connections, various skills and endorsements, and a variety of interests. Perhaps addition of previous/present work colleagues can boost the number of connections and therefore visibility of the profile. 


There were no obvious grammar or spelling mistakes that needed adjustment. The entire profile read smoothly and professionally.

Final Thoughts

This profile was not only presented in a professional manner, but it showcased the hard work and success in the field of dentistry as a dental hygienist. The summary was exceptional in the way it highlighted each of her skills, projects, interests, current work, and goals. Areas that should be considered are (1) descriptions for each of work experience and (2) adding previous/present colleagues to expand the number of connections. 


Thank you for sharing the profile and I hope that the suggestions are helpful.

Encl: LinkedIn Peer Review Template ENGL 301 2020-2

Christina Hruby’s LinkedIn Profile

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