Bad News Letter- Christina Hruby


237 Cote Vertu Blvd

Montreal, QC, V87 3F8


May 22, 2020


Christina Hruby, XYZ Dental Clinic

5978 St. George Blvd

Montreal, QC, H9J 3Y8


Dear Ms. Hruby:

Thank you for bringing the matter of the shipping errors and the N95 masks to my attention. I am pleased to hear that your clinic will be reopening shortly. The Covid-19 pandemic has made demands on the dental field and changed the way dentistry will be practiced for the unforeseeable future. Your efforts to meet these challenges and provide health services to the public during this unprecedented time are commendable.

Naturally, I understand your need for the N95 masks and your frustration with receiving incorrect merchandise. Your account has been credited for the 20 boxes of level 3 surgical EverSafe masks and I do apologize for the mix up. Unfortunately, the N95 mask manufacturer is located abroad and due to the current restrictions on travel, your order cannot be filled by June 1st.

As an alternative, we can offer you 40 boxes of KN95 masks to be delivered by May 27th. As you know, the KN95 masks meet Covid-19 aerosol requirements, but they are not reusable like the N95s. This is of course not as cost effective as using the N95 masks, but it will allow you to keep your staff safe and to open your doors to customers.

We do appreciate your loyal service and your understanding. As soon as Dentstock is able to resume international importation, we will provide the N95 masks as promised in March. Should you require any other Covid-19 related equipment, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have Canadian suppliers for visors, air exchangers, evacuation system detergents, and hand sanitizers, who can guarantee timely delivery.


Diane Belval

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