XYZ Dental Clinic
5978 St. George Blvd
Montreal, QC, H9J 3Y8
Fax (514) 630-7539 Phone (514) 630-7549 Email
May 20, 2020
Customer Service Department
Dentstock Dental Supplies
237 Cote Vertu Blvd
Montreal, QC, V87 3F8
Attention: Ms. Diane Belval
Your company has an established reputation as a reliable wholesaler of dental supplies. For 27 years we have counted on that reliability, but a recent delays and billing errors have left us frustrated and disappointed.
On March 3rd, we ordered 10 boxes of N95 EverSafe Masks (#A65-974). A delivery date of March 9 was indicated on the order confirmation (reference # 507-9987).
On March 9th, the order arrived. Instead of N95 masks, we received 10 boxes of level 3 EverSafe Surgical Masks. We immediately notified our territory sales representative, Mr. Michel Duval, of the mistake and of the urgent nature of the order. He promised delivery of the correct order by March 12th.
On March 20th, 10 boxes of level 3 EverSafe surgical masks were delivered to our clinic again. The order was not accepted. The Dentsply delivery agent apologized for the error and left with all 20 boxes of level 3 masks (ref # DDS 298). Our account has been charged for 20 boxes of level 3 surgical masks and 10 boxes of N95 masks, but we have still not received the N95 masks.
In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Ordres des Dentistes du Quebec has made the use of N95 masks mandatory for all dental procedures that create aerosols. We require the N95 masks to continue practicing and have been waiting for the order for more than three months.
We insist that our account be credited for the level 3 masks that we returned unopened on March 20th. Although we understand the challenges regarding the shortage for N95 masks, we insist that at least 5 boxes of N95 masks be delivered to our clinic by June 1st. We expect the remaining 5 boxes to be delivered no later than June 29th. We also request that going forward, we be advised when shipment delays are anticipated.
Until this issue, our transactions with Dentstock have been excellent. We hope that they can be again.
Yours truly,
Christina Hruby, RDH
Procurement, XYZ Dental Clinic
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