Email Memorandum: Writing with You Attitude to Evan Crisp


To: Evan Crisp, UBC student

From: Zhe Su, UBC student

Date: 19 July 2020

Subject: Writing Effective E-mail Messages to Professors



Here’s the memo you wanted on writing email messages. I took note of your previous email and created the following tips. These tips should result in a more professional-looking email that will be more likely to generate a response from your professor.


Tips on Writing Professional Emails to Professors:

  • Addressing the recipient in a professional manner. In this instance, “Dear Professor Lambert” would be much more personable and respectful than “Hey there”.
  • Stating the objective in the beginning so that Professor Lambert knows what class you’re trying to get into, and why you need the course. “I would like to register for your English class with course code XXXXXX section XXXXXX as I need the credits in order to graduate.” Your professor is likely very busy so telling him what the email is for right off the bat would save him a lot of trouble looking for it later on.
  • Applying a courteous and positive tone to your request to show your professor that you’re taking the course seriously, and that the course is important to you, not just some side credits. Give a legitimate reason on why you cannot take the early section, so that the professor is more likely to accommodate to your request.
  • Showing appreciation for your professor’s consideration and perhaps even accommodation for your request. Your professor is making an exception and doing you a favour should they allow you into the class.
  • Empathizing with your professor’s position in the case that they are unable to grant you the favour. By understanding human nature and showing that you are considerate of your professor’s position, they are more likely to hold a favourable opinion of you, which will increase the likelihood of them granting you the favour, or at the very least leave a positive impression.
  • Eliminating unnecessary information to keep the email short and bury undesirable information, such as going to the beach, not attending the first two weeks of class, neither of which will leave the impression that you are taking the class seriously.
  • Ending the email with a signature block and an appropriate valediction prior to the email in order to be more personable and respectful.

Hopefully the above tips will help with your email request to Professor Lambert. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please email me at Best of luck with your endeavours.


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