Letter of Complaint – Zainab Rauf Tramboo

Brainbridge Asian Learning Centre

2295 E 61st Ave,

Vancouver, BC V5P 2K5

P: (604)-321-5578

E: zainab@brainbridgealc.com



July 20th, 2020



Sam Lambert

Manager – Customer Service Department

London Drugs

1431 Continental St

Vancouver, BC V6Z 0G3



Dear Mr. Sam Lambert,

Although we are aware of the dire change in working conditions due to the pandemic, we have depended on the supply of sanitizers and masks from your company since the beginning of the outbreak. We have always counted on your fast services but the recent delay and error in delivery have left us frustrated and disappointed.

Since March 2020, we order hundreds of sanitizers and single-use masks from your establishment for our staff and students. On the first day of each month, a box of 50 500 ml Dettol sanitizers and 300 masks are supposed to be delivered to our learning centre.

As per quote #3456, our fixed contract for every month since March bills to $1270 with an additional $35 for delivery, totaling to $1305 per month. When arriving at the learning centre, delivery drivers, reach out to the receptionist and notify them about the arrival of the products and undergo a supply check.

This month the delivery arrived late on the 8th of July and Brainbridge was charged the full amount of $1305 whereas the delivery only consisted of 38 sanitizers and 250 masks. On arrival of the delivery, our receptionist immediately contacted a customer service representative from London Drugs and was guaranteed the complete delivery of the products by the very next day. However, no delivery has been made to rectify the incomplete delivery and our learning centre is running short of essential supplies.

We insist that the deliveries be made by the end of this week. If our staff does not acquire the required number of sanitizers and masks, we will be demanding a refund and canceling our fixed contract with London Drugs in order to switch over to a new supplier. Sanitizers and masks are imperative for the running of our organization amid the pandemic. Our teachers, staff, and students depend on them for learning, working, and recent regulatory purposes. Therefore, it is crucial we receive regular and complete deliveries originally agreed upon.

Until this issue, our dealings with London Drugs have been excellent and we hope we can get back to our seamless transactions. We look forward to this issue being resolved as soon as possible.



Zainab Rauf Tramboo

Brainbridge Asian Learning Centre Teaching Assistant

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