Peer Review of Formal Report Draft
Peer Reviewer: Sydney Dunn
Author: Meera Patel
Date: August 17th 2020
Document: Comparative Analysis of Consumer Engagement Techniques and their Feasibility with Add-On Selling Procedures at London Drugs (draft)
Dear Meera,
Thank you for sharing the draft of your formal report with me. It was a pleasure to read your preliminary ideas. The report is overall very well organized and should only continue to improve as you add content. Here are some comments and suggestions organized by section.
This section is currently not completed. The peer review will be updated when this section is updated.
The overall organization is clear and effective. Each subsection is clearly outlined and flows well. The use of headings and subheadings is very effective.
The introduction effectively introduces the content of report and provides beneficial background information that supports the readers understanding.
The examples used for “Techniques of Add-on Selling” are quite helpful in understanding both the technique and their relevance in London Drugs. However, the “Non-profit/Charity” subheading would benefit from either a brief explanation of how this contributes to the company’s bottom line or could be eliminated entirely. This is because it does not feel as connected to a selling technique as the others so clarifying could help the reader follow its value through the rest of the report.
Language and Grammar:
The writing is concise and clear with an appropriate amount of detail to provide clarity for the reader without feeling text-heavy.
Adding a brief introductory statement to the methodology will help it be easier to follow as you begin to list things. An introductory statement would also benefit the “Limitations of Study” section or even rewriting this section as a paragraph.
The Addition of the “Limitation of Study” is an excellent idea and provides helpful context to the report. This section may be more effective as a paragraph rather than a list.
Language and Grammar:
The list currently maintains an unfinished quality and should be polished for the final copy regardless of which format is maintained for this section.
Data Section
This section is currently not completed. The peer review will be updated when this section is updated.
This section is currently not completed. The peer review will be updated when this section is updated.
The organization of the Appendix is very straightforward which makes it easy to follow.
Including the survey questions will likely appear more helpful when the data section is complete so the reader may refer to them for additional information.
Language and Grammar:
There are no obvious errors or concerns in this section.
This section is currently not completed. The peer review will be updated when this section is updated. However the inclusions of this section is helpful for the reader who may otherwise be unfamiliar with some of the terminology used in the report.
This section is currently not completed. The peer review will be updated when this section is updated.
I hope that you find these comments helpful as you move forward with completing your report. Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.
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