1.3 Peer Review

To: Matthew De Rose

From: Zachary Goldman

Date: June 10,2020

Subject: Peer Review of Your Definitions regarding Graphic User Interface (GUI) systems


Dear Matthew,

I very much enjoyed reading your definitions for GUI systems and it was pleasure to learn about something new and interesting. As someone who was unfamiliar with this term, I have a better understanding of what GUI systems are and how they are used.  I do have some suggestions for how to make your definitions more concise, which I will discuss below.

Organization: Your organization for this assignment was functional and appropriate, and I appreciated the utilitarian nature of the formatting. The addition of the “Audience & Purpose” section is nice, although I think you could’ve fit this into your assignment overview section. I would suggest combining the Overview and Audience sections to avoid redundancy.

Visuals: The image you used provides valuable information but is too small, which makes it difficult to read and I would suggest enlarging it.

Writing Style: Overall, the definitions you’ve provided are clear and well written. Your parenthetical definition is clear and concise, however I suggest cutting out “…typically with a mouse or keyboard…” because this is secondary information not directly related to a GUI system.

The sentence definition is also well written and the content is great, I have no edits for this section.

I do have some suggestions for the expanded definition. The question/answer format felt clunky and I would suggest reformatting it. For example, instead of:
“a) What are the parts of the Graphical User Interface? A graphical user interface is a collection of visual elements on a computer screen organized into components and containers”

You could write:
A graphical user interface is a collection of visual elements on a computer screen organized into components and containers. It’s parts include:[insert discussion of parts here]

I think that removing the question/answer format would make your definition more authoritative and ultimately, more concise. The information provided is well written, some minor grammatical errors notwithstanding.


I hope these edits are helpful to you!

Link to Original Blog Post: (https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-98a-2020sa/2020/06/05/unit-1-3-technical-definitions/)

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