Category: The Ramblers

Geneviève Bolduc, Siddhartha Gupta, Matthew Shen, and Cody Gagon

Unit 1:3 Three Definitions of Agile

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to consider (1) when definitions may be necessary and (2) how to choose an appropriate amount of detail for the audience and purpose. To complete this assignment, I will identify an audience and

Unit 1.3: Writing 3 Definitions on A|B Testing

  Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to teach the importance of definitions in bridging the gap in communication between people of differing technical understanding. This may be between a client and business or between members on the same

Unit 1:3 Definitions

Defining Heuristic In the context of English 301 and with the overarching objective of better technical communications in mind, three definitions of a singular term are outlined below. This is done to highlight the importance of good multi-level definitions in

Unit 1:3 Technical Definitions

Debenture Definitions I am looking to define debenture for a general audience who has little to no education about corporate finance. Imagine a situation where you are an individual investor thinking about options for an optimal rate of return.  Parenthetical Definition:

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