Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

Writing With You Attitude

By erikapaterson on November 10, 2018 @6:20 am

You can find a few post on Writing with YOU attitude on this blog, if you search. However, learning the techniques of writing with YOU attitude is so valuable, I am dedicating this page to a collection of past YOU

Surveys; a re-post

By erikapaterson on November 10, 2018 @6:11 am

I am re-posting this important blog because as I read through Progress Reports, I am finding too many draft surveys that need revisions. Please take a moment and review your progress report to ensure you have correctly composed an ethical

Tips for Peer reviews

By erikapaterson on October 29, 2018 @8:20 am

One of the central goals of this course is to demonstrate how — through doing; by peer reviewing and rewriting, reflecting, and re-writing again, by doing these tasks, over and over, it becomes clear that writing is an art that improves with

Research Methods

By erikapaterson on October 21, 2018 @7:00 am

Take a look at the example of a conclusion for a Formal Report on pages 513 – 514 in the text book and you will see that your final goal is to provide a list of recommendations. The ultimate purpose of

Avoid the Negative – stay Positive

By erikapaterson on October 20, 2018 @9:04 am

Avoid the negative. Example: NEGATIVE: “The Arts Connection while maintains a high standard for their staff and students, many problems have risen, specifically during morning care, due to lack of overall structure and poor staff training. Staff being unprepared for


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