Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

Welcome to English 301 Sept 2016

By erikapaterson on September 6, 2016 @6:55 am

Welcome to my instructor’s blog I will post a new blogs on a regular basis which you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your work and the progress of our course

Self-editing Formal Reports

By erikapaterson on August 7, 2016 @6:07 am

  I have almost completed my round of evaluations for Unit Two and have some notes for you to follow as you self-edit your final draft of your report and your Web folio. Errors in expression that are caused by

Drafting your Formal Report

By erikapaterson on July 12, 2016 @9:44 am

Good Monday morning 301 Drafting your Formal Report Here are some notes to follow for writing your first draft of your Formal Report: Use YOU attitude; every sentence you write, consider your reader[s]: Ask yourself, does my reader already know this information?

Drafting your Method’s Section

By erikapaterson on June 27, 2016 @1:44 pm

Drafting your Methods Section  The key to drafting your Method’s section is to include both details and explanations. Here is an example of a well-handled Methods Section to follow. I have highlighted the details in blue and the explanations in green. Method of Research Sixty-five

Avoid the Negative: writing tip

By erikapaterson on June 22, 2016 @8:23 am

Always ‘avoid the negative’ when writing proposals; stress positive outcomes rather than negative situations Here is an example: negative  With the rise in employees and with the lack of an organized HR information systems and management in place, it is


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