Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

Strategies for Unit Two & Peer Review

By erikapaterson on June 8, 2015 @4:54 am

Unit Two is perhaps, the most challenging unit of this course; the learning curve is steep.  We begin the process of creating two major documents, and  — beginnings for many, are the most difficult challenge. Happily, most of you are on an excellent

Examples of a Survey Introduction

By erikapaterson on June 6, 2015 @4:07 am

I have finished reading through your proposals and some of you have begun to send me your surveys for approval. A common error with this assignment is the composition of the introduction to your surveys; this is a very important. Here

Peer Reviewing Report Proposals

By erikapaterson on June 4, 2015 @6:16 am

Here are some tips for preparing to peer review a Formal Report Proposal Before you read the document prepare a template designed with the requirements of the assignment in mind. Consider each element of the assignment and make a list

Guidelines for Formal Report Proposal

By erikapaterson on June 2, 2015 @10:39 am

This blog is meant to guide you with preparations for creating your Formal Report. Before reading this blog please be sure to read the assigned pages on The Research Process: 123 – 186. Below you will find: A brief discussion on

Unit One: Evaluation Process

By erikapaterson on June 1, 2015 @7:33 am

Good Monday June 1st 301; As we come to the end of our first Unit, I want to review and clarify my assessment process for you all. First, just as I asked you to describe your learning philosophies on your


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