iPortal (M3, #5)


URL: http://iportal.usask.ca/

The Indigenous Studies Portal, maintained by the University of Saskatchewan Library,  is a research tool leading to books, articles, theses, documents, photographs, archival resources, maps and more.  This site has over 17,000 records.   The search tool is simple and an option for an advanced search is available.  Categories to browse through include but are not limited to: Arts, Community, Society, Land Claims, Language, Indigenous knowledge, History.  A search for the term Decolonization, for example, leads to many hits.  These include general articles as well as scholarly peer-reviewed articles, book reviews, e-books, images, media, theses and websites.  This website, although still under-development, seems to be an excellent and indispensable tool for researchers looking for valid sources on most topics pertaining to Indigenous Peoples.


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