Indigenous Wellness Research Institute (M4, #5)

Vision: To support the inherent rights of Indigenous peoples to achieve full and complete health and wellness by collaborating in decolonizing research and knowledge building and sharing.

This is an amazing site containing detailed information on how the Indigenous Wellness Research Institute (IWRI) is helping Indigenous people realize self-actualization. By understanding how traumatic events of the past (including the impacts of colonization and residential schools, etc) have damaged the spirits of many Indigenous people and led to a justifiable mistrust, it quickly becomes apparent why the quest for decolonization is so imperative.

Return to Wellness – this relatively short video clip is a must view as it effectively explains the goals of the IWRI and how they are working to empower Indigenous people.

Through making the IWRI’s goal of attainment of higher education the norm for Indigenous people, the hope is this will lead to realization of what is perhaps the highest level of wellness – that which comes from being afforded the opportunity to share one’s wisdom and insights in supporting others to achieve their full potential.

November 28, 2009   No Comments

a Blog – AbTeC – mod4 post5

finally I found a aboriginal blog that is built to participate in networked culture

Form their site

“The main objective of AbTeC is to discover, define and implement methods by which Aboriginal people can use networked communication technology to strengthen our cultures. AbTeC’s Skins project will bring Aboriginal community organizations together with academic institutions to conduct research into the means by which the power of digital and networked technology can be put to use in producing and preserving our knowledge, culture and language. We will work with elder who have stories to tell, bands who have histories to preserve, and Aboriginal language speakers who want to share their knowledge. The goal is to provide conceptual and practical tools that will allow us to create new, Aboriginally-determined territories within the collection of web-pages, online games, chat rooms, bulletin boards and virtual environments that we call cyberspace.”

Love it!

The site cites current projects that include the use of computers in cyber pow wows, 3D story telling and computer programing

November 28, 2009   No Comments

RICTA | Research on ICT with Aboriginal Communities (DGM Module 4-4)

RICTA was established in September 2004 to work with Aboriginal communities, use ICTs strategically and creatively, build local capacity for research, facilitate Aboriginal participation, and to facilitate connection and trust among diverse members. Members include “more than 40 people working with universities, community research institutes, Aboriginal organizations, government and the private sector. Although a Canadian project, there are several non-Canadian institutions represented, including: University of San Francisco; Universidad Metropolitana, Mexico; New Jersey Institute of Technology; University of Vienna; and University of Missouri-Columbia.

The website currently lists five ongoing member projects, and 34 other projects nation-wide. Where applicable, project websites and contact information are included. Also useful is a bibliography of Canadian publications (1980-2005) related to research in ICT use in Aboriginal Communities.

Unfortunately, it appears that this website has not been updated since 2006.

November 28, 2009   No Comments

RedWAY BC News E-zine – mod4 post4

Still on the hunt for some aboriginal blogs I came across RedWAY BC News E-zine; a free on-line electronic magazine connecting 8,400+ international subscribers

The biline reads: “Harnessing Technology to Honour, Inform and Connect Urban Aboriginal Youth to Services, Opportunities, the Community and Each Other.”

This online publication seems like a well put together site with up-to-date information. Some of its contents include:

November 28, 2009   No Comments

Early Childhood Development Intercultural Partnerships (M4, #4)

As an elementary school educator, this site immediately piqued my interest. It also helped me better understand some of the issues surrounding ethical and respectful research practices. “Nothing about us without us” is a quote that stuck with me as effectively describing how Indigenous people feel research should be conducted.

Collaborative, innovative projects between the research team and Aboriginal people are well explained including: Indigenous Child Assessment, Indigenous Fathers, Early Language Facilitation, Social Support in ECD, and others.

It seems the work of  Dr. Jessica Ball, Faculty U Vic and others is making a real difference in the lives of Aboriginal people, especially the children. The primary goal here seems to be that of building relationships and working collaboratively with Aboriginal groups in order to identify issues of concern and work together towards lasting solutions. The various project stories (which include project background, goals, activities and outcomes) are intriguing and inspiring. This site is truly a wonderful resource!

November 28, 2009   No Comments

Lessons in Learning: The Cultural Divide in Science Education for Aboriginal Learners (M4, #3)

“The First Nations people view themselves not as custodians, stewards or having dominion over the Earth, but as an integrated part in the family of the Earth. The Earth is my mother and the animals, plants and minerals are my brothers and sisters.”

– F. Henry Lickers
Biologist, member of the Turtle Clan of the Seneca Nation

There needs to be more Canadian Aboriginal people in science and engineering occupations. However, attracting them to such positions is a challenge due in part to the contradictions between the values and philosophy of Western science and those of Aboriginal people and communities.

No wonder Aboriginal youth would find mainstream science classes confusing, being that their beliefs and ways of learning are so different from those of their Western classmates. Aboriginal values need to be validated and incorporated in order to increase their participation and engagement. Information on this website provides many suggestions of ways this can be accomplished.

There are some interesting examples of how traditional knowledge has been combined with Western science to produce mutually beneficial results. Hopefully more of these partnerships can occur in the future.

November 28, 2009   No Comments

Module 4 Entry #5


A wonderful project between the Nuu-chah-nulth tribal council and Department of Canadian Heritage through Canadian Culture Online. Links to culture and language as well as a pull down menu which discusses items such as Information Technology and Infant Development. It’s incredible and uses Quick Time technology. All sections of the site have sound files done in English and the Nuu-chah-nulth language as well as an option for French language. Definitely worth taking a look at.

November 28, 2009   No Comments

East Cree Language Web (DGM Module 4-3)

This website is maintained by the Cree School Board in northern Québec, as a means to support Cree teachers and students learning their own language, and to introduce the language to non-Cree readers. As the site states:

This site is intended as a resource for Cree language teachers, literacy instructors, translators, linguists, and anyone who has an interest in the nuts and bolts of the Cree language. We hope that the live possibilities of the internet will encourage participation. We are seeking support form all who value linguistic diversity and want the Cree language to be alive and well in the 21st century and after.

The site includes links to:

Amongst the Resources are some lesson plans such as those included in East Cree Mathematics. All sections of the website are available in English, French, South Cree and North Cree. Fonts for both Cree dialects are available to download.

November 28, 2009   No Comments

Module 4 Entry #4

Linking Oral Tradition with Science

An interesting website brought to my attention by a colleague when I mentioned what I was working on for my analytical paper. He actually stumbled on it while cruising the OceanLine site itself. We are always looking for material that includes a First Nations perspective. We share all math and science material that we encounter at our monthly meetings. Not all of it is appropriate or accurate but we strive to uncover as much quality material as we can collectively.

 It was definitely an interesting read and the links to OceanLink andthe Things to Consider were excellent. Things to Consider will be on the agenda for the next math/science meeting. TEK is discussed at length.

November 28, 2009   No Comments

Society for Ecological Restoration International: Indigenous Peoples’ Restoration Network (M4, #2)

This is another site that fits nicely with our Module 4 focus on Ecological Issues in Indigenous Education and Technology. Dennis Martinez, chair of the IPRN, discusses the rising interest in Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK). He suggests that TEK offers a complementary approach to Western Science in the quest to understand our natural world. He notes that Indigenous societies were the first to notice the effects of climate change, and that they have a wealth of environmental information base on the observations of countless generations.

Martinez goes on to discuss how TEK is being threatened by globalization, which has often resulted in Indigenous groups losing control over their ancestral lands and resources. He stresses the need to restore and repair the relationship between nature and humans.

There is a wealth of additional information on this website, organized through numerous links on the left side of the homepage. Well worth a look – so much to learn and consider here!

November 28, 2009   No Comments

Indigenous Education Institute (M4, #1)

This Indigenous Education Institute (IEI) was created as a non-profit venture “with a mission to preserve, protect and apply traditional Indigenous knowledge in a contemporary setting, that of Indigenous peoples today, around the world”. Representatives from IEI have traveled around the world giving presentations to Indigenous organizations and institutions, as well as mainstream universities and K-12 schools.

Although IEI is located in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the administrators and board members represent various Indigenous groups. IEI is doing some important work in examing Native and Western Science in order to share awareness of Indigenous research methods and evaluation with the Western World. I was happy to learn that a priority of IEI is to assist Indigenous youth in building positive self-esteem and a strong sense of identity based on traditional cultural knowledge.  Overall, this is an informative and well-organized website!

November 28, 2009   No Comments

Module # 4 Weblog # 5

Panel on Research Ethics

This is the Canadian government’s page about research ethics. There is a link on this page (TCPS) that offers the policy statement about the “Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans.” I chose this website because I felt that it might be an interesting contrast to some of the guidelines to first Nations research that we have examined in this module by viewing the Canadian governments view on human based research. This is a very dense site, with much information presented. If interested in analyzing I recommend reading the FAQ and the TCPS Tutorial.

Here is the mandate of the site.

The written terms of reference of the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics (PRE) outline its formal mandate, define its general functions and duties, and have shaped some of PRE’s milestones since its creation in November 2001.

PRE is mandated by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) to promote high ethical standards of conduct in research involving humans through the development, evolution, interpretation, and implementation of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS). The Agencies adopted the TCPS in August 1998 as a common research ethics policy for those conducting, participating in, or reviewing human research in institutions funded by CIHR, NSERC or SSHRC.

PRE further assists the TCPS-user community by identifying TCPS educational needs and activities. It also participates in the ongoing dialogue on a national oversight or governance system for research involving humans.

PRE’s 12 member advisory panel is drawn from diverse backgrounds and disciplines so that it may provide the Agencies with multidisciplinary and independent reflection and advice on research ethics policy of the TCPS. PRE develops its advice based on a set of First Principles applied to lessons on, and the evolution of, human research ethics in a national and international context.

November 28, 2009   No Comments

Module # 4 Weblog # 4

Research Ethics

This site, published by McGill University in Montreal offers a selection of links that contain articles and links about the ethical considerations in Aboriginal research. This is divided into both national and provincial sections. Interestingly, there is so section for research with First Nations in British Columbia. Some of these links are more useful than others, however, with the discussion that we have been having recently about research within First Nations cultures I felt that this was a very relevant post.

November 28, 2009   No Comments