Inuit Tapirlit Kanatami


Inuit Tapirlit Kanatami (ITK), represents four Inuit regions, Nunatsiavut(Labrador), Nunavik (northern Quebec), Nunavut, and Inuvialuit (Northwest Territories),  and is the national Inuit organization in Canada.

In 1971, the organization was founded to represent Inuit interests.  Working with the Canadian government, ITK negotiated land claim settlements and represented Inuit during consitutional talks in the 1980s.

Although, the organization has enjoyed accomplishments in land claim settlements, creation of Nunavut, enormous challenges remain for the Inuit.  Equal opportunity and prosperity in Canada, the recognition from the federal government that the Inuit have different challenges, concerns, and needs than other Aboriginal peoples in Canada, still challenge the community.

The publication page on the site includes the following articles:

Negotiating Research Relationships with Inuit Communities, a Guide for Researchers

Canadian Inuit Perspectives on Climate Change (Unikkaaqatigiit)

An Integrated Arctic Strategy

Negotiating Research Relationships: A Guide for Communities

The Inuit Action Plan

Circumpolar Declaration on Sovereignty in the Arctic

ITK logo  image, Retrieved Nov. 15 from  Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami website.

November 15, 2009   No Comments