Module 4 Weblog 4 – Global Voices


I chose this website for its content in Spanish, but I am including the link to the English version. This website can be visited in many languages and I think that is what captured my attention. It is a place where the young seem to have found a space in which they can communicate across the globe. Maybe this is not specifically an Indigenous website, but I think it is a model of what would be achieved.

This global site has a place for up to date news and also for the past. I am including a link to the Mayan Blog as it is well worth a visit and it is an example of how universities can help to store information, although I think after all I have learned that it would be better if they could empower Indigenous groups to protect their own heritage.

This webpage has links to Twitter and Facebook, both of which are common tools for any young people with a connection to the web. A lot has been said about the negative effects of Globalization, but I think the young people here have found a way to cross barriers instead of bludgeoning them down. The writers and translators are not paid, but they are given credit.  

Indigenous page

Mexican Page

Mayan Blog

English Version


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