Product Based Assessment coming down the tracks!
Welcome to a daring week of product based assessment, intended to whet your appetite about the potentially rewarding world of PBA and define the market as it emerges.Visit The Plan for more information on how we anticipate the week playing out. Cheers, Andrea, Doug, Kristopher, and Verena
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Everton Walker 8:09 am on November 5, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Definitely in the apps and structures. If we are going to zero in on education, there are so many factors to consider. Could we say it is a game-changer in education if it only works well in reading? I think it’s safer to say it is a potential game-changer in education.
hall 8:42 am on November 5, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Kerry and Everton,
I think it is a game changer in education. I think it can be used for developing and enhancing numeracy and literacy in children. I think it could a very useful tool for children in developing countries especially Jamaica. As mathematics teacher think it is a useful tool for students to be used in developing the fundamental skills in Mathematics.
khenry 8:10 pm on November 8, 2011 Permalink | Log in to Reply
Hi Conroy and Everton,
While I agree with you regarding the benefits of it’s use Conroy I would, like Everton, say that it is the associated apps and structure of use rather than the actual ipad itself.