
While I was doing my daily web-browsing habits this morning, I came across a pin on Pinterest that brought a new thought to the word TEXT and its power. Yes, text or texting has power over each and every one of us. The pin, which is slightly inappropriate, shows how texting changes what we want to say. It is as if the device wants to purposely make us look illiterate by auto-correcting what we really want to say. The odd thing is, that most auto-corrects, or as it seems, find a way to make fun of us, to make us look stupid, to embarrass us. It makes me almost want to call and actually speak to someone rather than text. On the positive side, auto-correct helps me with punctuation, which can be an onerous task in the world of texting.

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2 Responses to Auto-corrects

  1. jjmh says:

    Great post! Not only does auto-correct change the words we text but I think texting itself has the ability to change the meaning of what we want to say. Have you ever spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how to text a message without offending your friend? I agree that sometimes, it’s just easier to pick up the phone and call.

  2. kstackhouse says:

    Very true…there are some hilarious sites out there with auto-correct screen captures. Some not PG. I think that there is an assumption on many people’s part that the aut0-correct will do its job properly. It reminds me of my students that use spell/grammar check in Word and trust that their work will be error free.

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