Strange New World


Jasper Fforde visits the setting forย The Last Dragonslayer

Strange New World:
Jasper Fforde and Proto-Enhanced eBooks in the Intermediate Classroom

by Kyle Stooshnov

Strange New World: Bonus Paragraph!

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4 Responses to Strange New World

  1. tavenia says:

    What a great promotional video! Seriously, sign me up, I loved it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • kstooshnov says:

      Thank you, Tara, for the enthusiastic response.

      Kind of wish that I could take credit for the video (other than finding and posting it), but it belongs to Jasper and his wife, Mari. Interestingly enough, I was going to post his recent live chat on Goodreads, but the surviving video barely shows five minutes of the half hour interview. My wife, who is also Japanese, was home to watch the live broadcast (I was ironically called out to work in a school’s library that day) and she claims that the author and I are very similar. Would really liked to have seen if her comparison is true, but I suppose it was one of those “had to be there” moments ๐Ÿ˜›

      If you happen to be in Swindon, UK next August, you can take part in the madness known as the Fforde Ffiesta, a time-traveling celebration of the author’s work – the upcoming Ffiesta will be set in the year 2057!


  2. Hi Kyle,

    I have just read your research paper. It is a very well supported document. How fascinating it is that people now tend to read series instead of a unique tome… You have made some insteresting comparison between novels in e-books and how they can be used in the classroom.


    • kstooshnov says:

      Thank you, Johanne, for your comment.

      It has been a pleasure sharing ideas on literature with you and others throughout this term, and Fforde’s novels are each unique enough individually, but taken together as a whole, had to be shared with others. It kind of reminds me of a comment made by the actor Hugo Weaving, around the time of his roles as Elrond in the Lord of the Rings series as well as Agent Smith in the Matrix trilogy: he told another actor “I only do trilogies now” and it seems to be the case with his recurring role as Elrond in the Hobbit threequel. I imagine that a lot of authors are walking around saying the same about their three-book deals.

      Please let me know if any of Fforde’s stories make it into your classroom, as I would love to hear how they are received as print or electronic texts.

      All the best,

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