Author Archives: AJung

Epic fail…

First, a picture.

You might say, “Yum, that looks delicious… but what is it?”

If so, please feel free to take a guess – I highly doubt you’d really know what it is though.

So, after realizing that this March is going to be crazy hectic for me, I knew that it’s time for me to prep up for the already-started storm of to-do list items. And to a handful of engineers, that means booking out an hour or two on a weekend to prepare one type of food that will last you throughout the week. A friend of mine from undergrad used to plan his meal for the month, and have a grocery list planned out for every week of the month — that way, he doesn’t have to waste food, and more importantly, doesn’t have to think about what to get or what to eat throughout the month. And he’s not alone in this crazy structured self-managed meal plans. I currently have a labmate who brings in bags of same food every week, and eats mostly out of the bag throughout the week. I’m by no means making fun of such dietary plans, because I am guilty of it myself.

I mean, let’s face it. It’s convenient, an it’s fast — efficiency is key.

So this weekend, I decided to take care of my breakfasts. That usually means baking a loaf of whole wheat bread using my favourite recipe, and that lasts me throughout the week with the accompaniment of jam/jelly/cream cheese etc. However, I had bought this grounded cinnamon a while back, and had made cinnamon rolls that didn’t quite turn out very well. So I decided to give it a try again, but using a different recipe. The thing about cinnamon rolls is that you can freeze your doughs — after rolling in your cinnamon and sugar and all the buttery goodness — let it thaw overnight, put it in the oven when you wake up, take a morning shower, and voila!, you’ve just stepped out of the shower to the smell and the reality of freshly baked cinnamon roll for breakfast.

By now you probably have a better guess as to what the picture is representing — cinnamon roll gone wrong.

Long story short, the dreamy breakfasts probably won’t happen this week. Quite inadvertently, I read the baking recipe’s instruction to bring milk + butter mixture to “120 degrees” as Celsius rather than Fahrenheit, poured the uber hot liquid mixture into my bowl of yeast, effectively killing the key ingredient that’s supposed to make the final product soft and fluffy. So the final baked goods didn’t turn out better than the last time at all. When my friends wanted to try it, I had to continuously remind them not to pay heed to the texture of what they are eating. And the picture  above is my attempt to salvage it by crushing the dough and mixing in baking powder, in the hopes that it will rise when I bake it, and failing with a substantial degree of epic-ness. The icing turned out great though — and totally saved the day — although anything with sugar and butter can’t really go wrong.

Anywho, my plan totally backfired on me, and now I have to deal with the aftermath of my attempts-to-realize-and-salvage-the-dreamy-breakfast-plan in the kitchen… I wish I was living with my parents and didn’t have to start baking breakfasts in batches in the first place…. bah!

My March schedule…

I just came back from a conference in Victoria, and would love to blog about it asap. But, can’t find the time right now, because I have been forewarned by my Google Calendar that my schedule for March will come in bundles, and that it’s not going to be pretty. Want to hear me out on my upcoming schedule of trying to squeeze in everything to graduate in time?

Let’s start with some expression of panic…

——(insert scream here)——

  • Finish programming hesitations on the robot, record motions, launch surveys – Due in 1.5 week.
  • Do up a conference paper while completing the above – Due in 1.5 weeks.
  • Start and finish learning a new programming language (Python) and an OS (ROS) – Due in 3 weeks.
  • Finish collecting survey data and start analysing – Due in 4 weeks.
  • Edit and submit a journal paper – Due ??!! (more panic due to uncertainty of schedule on this one).
  • Start writing a different journal paper – In 4 weeks.

——(louder scream here)——

  • Meanwhile, interview a stranger and write up a magazine article for a journalism class I’m taking – Due <1 week.
  • Interview more people or glue up some stuff up into a magazine article for the journalism class – Due < 2 weeks.
  • Do up an application to go to a conference in Korea for free (’cause free is important) – Due in < 2 weeks.
  • Apply for an internship for the summer – Due 4 weeks.
  • Come up with a presentation on roboethics for Univ. or Michigan – Due ??!! (extra panic due to uncertainty of presentation date + the expected length of the presentation)
  • Translate stuff for people in roboethics – Due… like.. yesterday (more like last week).

——(insert scream here after checking the cluttered inbox)——

——(scream again and nearly faint after looking at the messy room/desk/kitchen/washroom)——


So, yes. If you sense stress and fatigue and restlessness in my writing over the next few weeks, please do excuse me. But that’s for being a grad student who started off with a grandiose tri-phasic thesis project.

For those of you in the same boat as me – rushing to get everything done near instantaneously – please do make sure you treat yourself to doing something nice for yourself. For me, I have a bubble bath bar from Lush (my newly emerging obsession), a bottle of wine, and an unlimited access to Poppit (pogo game) to keep me sane and relaxed – although temporarily… We’ll see how many bathes/bubbles/games I go through this month to stay healthy…

Grad Students & Valentine’s Day…!

This past Monday was that time of the year where lovers stress out to prepare gifts and plan special events – for days or even weeks, might I add – for their special person(s?). February sneaks up on you before you have even made up your mind about your new year’s resolutions, and suddenly there are heart-shaped edibles and every shades of pink galore across the city. The campus — the beautiful 993 acres of land occupied by more bachelors/bachelorettes in their late teens to late 20’s than married couples — is not an exception. However, such demographics (on-campus and within the department) makes romantic matters, such as Valentine’s day, difficult for a graduate student.

You see, when you first enter a graduate school, your age most likely belongs to the heavily overlapping centre of the following circles in a Venn diagram:

  • Old enough to have been happily married to someone, but too young to have gone through a divorce.
  • Young enough to still look around for more options, yet old enough to plan ahead for a happier future with Mr or Miss Right.
  • Perhaps a bit too young to have a child, yet more than physically capable of having and raising a child (scary!).

So figuring out where you fit in the Venn diagram is already harder for us grad students than those who are not in the overlapping region of the diagram. One day you might come home from the lab and realize that it’s too empty (despite the loud presence of your roommates, if you have any) and that you’d like to find someone for a long-term. If you have someone beside you, then you might be thinking ‘Should I really be serious about continuing this one? Is this person THE one?’. The next day, you might wake up and think ‘Geez, that was a stupid idea, I want to have fun, stay young! I’ve got my career to worry about. None of this romance nonsense!’ Regardless of which of the two days you might be having, the truth seems to be this – it’s hard to meet new people when you’re focusing on your research.

For one thing, if you want to find someone you can plan the future with (someone new, if you’re with someone already), then you either need to pick a person geographically close to your work/home. Otherwise, your over 40 hours of work during weekdays at the lab plus the work you set aside to do on weekends will consume and obstruct the necessary travel time to and from wherever the special person may hang out on a daily basis – unless the other person is nice enough to travel to you and stay with you at your lab that is – I mean, efficiency one of the core principles in engineering isnt’ it? (i.e., the mentioning of caffeine filled chocolate in the PhD comic strip below)

Second, and more importantly, your charm and charismatic character from undergrad or high school may no longer be as sharp as you think it is.

For example, after having dissected, analysed, hugged and kissed the topic of hesitation gestures for human-robot interaction (my thesis topic), everything around me revolved around that topic. When I see someone reaching for something and suddenly halts (i.e., hesitates) or even use the word ‘hesitation‘ in any sentence and in any contexts, I suddenly become overly excited and hyper. And before I know it, I am talking about my data analysis techniques, fitting splines through the hesitation motions I’ve captured, and how far I am in the project etc., etc.

Highly uncontrollable behaviour on my part and probably highly unattractive to someone I’ve just met, even to those who are seemingly as nerdy and scientifically-minded as me. So if you’ve got someone who happily tolerates the awkwardly-skewed charm of yours, I would strongly suggest you hold on to him/her — he/she’s got something that seems pretty rare out there in the real world.

Some of my graduate student friends spent the Valentines day by themselves — perhaps popping a bottle of wine alone in their residence, watching a chick-flick with the company of unhealthy yet tasty assortment of snacks. Those who have someone spent the day unwrapping a small surprise or two they’ve prepared – even with their special someone living overseas.

And many singles — who totally didn’t see the Valentine’s day sneak up upon them since there’s nothing to plan or prepare for, and are ever so slightly happy that they have been spared of the painful gift purchasing and event planning process — found comfort in spending a single’s night-out (or night-in) with the company of good friends.