$25 UBC Food Services gift card draw TOMORROW!!!!!


Dear LFS TAs,

We hope you’re having a smooth transition into the 2016/2017 academic year! Don’t forget to stop by the LFS TA Training orientation this coming Thursday from 9-1pm in Agora, on the bottom level of MCML. By attending, you will be entered into a draw for 1 of 4 $25 UBC Food Services gift cards (more details to come).

See you soon,

Carrie and Fernanda
Teaching Assistant Training Coordinators | Land and Food Systems
ta.training@ubc.ca | https://blogs.ubc.ca/lfsta/


BIOL 140 TA Opportunity


The renewed Biology 140 course requires a TA for the fall term.  This is an inquiry-based lab course for first year students. As a TA you would be required to teach two 2.5 hour labs per week and attend a 2 hour prep session Friday afternoons from 1 to 3 pm. During the term there will four written assignments you will need to mark.  At the end of term you will be required to invigilate a final exam, but you will not be required to mark it.  On average, you will work 12 hours per week, for a total of 192 hours per term.

If you are interested and available please contact Kathy Nomme nomme@zoology.ubc.ca as soon as possible. The first prep meeting is Friday Sept. 9th.